Board Nominations

The Board includes 17 Community Trustees elected by the Board. Nominations are accepted on an ongoing basis and reviewed by the Governance/Nominating Committee.

Interested in serving on the Board or nominating an individual to serve?

Brock University is a vibrant and modern university located in the City of St. Catharines within the Niagara region and is recognized for its exceptional experiential learning and research opportunities and campus life experiences as well as strong university-community engagement. With over 19,000 students, more than 100 undergraduate and graduate programs in seven diverse Faculties, and an operating budget of around $360 million, Brock is a comprehensive university with growing national prominence in research, scholarly and creative activities.

Its Strategic Plan 2025-2030 sets out strategic priorities which will advance Brock as a comprehensive university that offers a transformational and accessible academic and university experience; fosters a culture of inclusivity, accessibility, reconciliation and decolonization; enhances the life and vitality of our local region and beyond; and further builds the University’s research capacity.

The University is governed by two bodies: the Board of Trustees and the University Senate. The Board of Trustees welcomes applications from individuals interested in serving on the Board on an ongoing basis.

For more information about this volunteer opportunity, review the Community Trustee Profile and see the frequently asked questions below.

Frequently asked questions

Trustees are expected to bring their knowledge, experience, and enthusiasm to overseeing the fulfillment of the University’s mission and strategic priorities, ensuring the financial health of the University, and setting policy for the conduct of the Board and university administration. This entails:

  • Attending Board and Committee meetings: the Board of Trustees holds five regularly scheduled meetings a year, with additional special meetings as required. Each Trustee serves on two committees and attends
  • Staying informed about the University and higher education: Trustees are expected to review the information provided in meeting agenda packages and university communications to be informed about the University and the sector and bring this information to bear in making Board decisions and providing strategic guidance to the University
  • Advancing the University’s reputation and position by acting as an enthusiastic ambassador for the University, promoting and advocating on its behalf in the broader community and participating in fundraising

Community trustees are volunteers and do not receive remuneration for their service on the Board.

Learn more about the expectations of individual trustees

Brock University’s Board of Trustees represents a broad cross-representation of appropriate skills, experience and perspectives. The Board seeks individuals who are committed to the University’s mission to advance learning, knowledge, and community engagement and who support the priorities set out in the University’s Strategic Plan. Individuals interested in serving on the Board should also share the University’s values, which include integrity and respect, sustainable, accountable, transparent stewardship, and inclusivity, diversity, and equity. For the skills, experience, and competencies required, review the Board’s Trustee profile.

Volunteering on the Board of Trustees presents an opportunity for strategic thinkers to help contribute to the University’s mission to nurture and support its students and scholars in the discovery of knowledge and provide a transformational experience both inside and outside the classroom. In addition, service on the Board gives trustees the chance to be part of advancing the University’s commitment to enhancing the economic, social, cultural and intellectual lives of the communities of Niagara, Ontario, Canada and beyond.

Individuals interesting in nominating themselves for consideration of service on the Board should complete the Board’s Nomination Form (PDF version or WORD version) and submit it to the University Secretariat at All nominations are considered in confidence by the Board’s Governance/Nominating Committee. As a result, the Committee does not disclose the status of nominations at any time.

For further information about the Board of Trustees, review the Board of Trustees web page or contact the University Secretariat at