
New book release

Bosacki, S. (2016). Social cognition in middle childhood and adolescence: Integrating the personal, social, and educational lives of young people. Chichester: Wiley & Sons.

  • Bosacki, S. (2012). Culture of ambiguity: Implications for self and social understanding in adolescence. Boston: Sense Publishers.
  • Bosacki, S. (2008). Children’s emotional lives: Sensitive shadows in the classroom. New York: Peter Lang.
  • Bosacki, S. (2005). Culture of classroom silence. New York: Peter Lang.
  • Bosacki, S. (2022). Theory of Mind and peer relations. In R. Devine & S. Lecce, S.
    (Eds). Theory of Mind in Childhood and Adolescence (pp.). London: Routledge.

  • Rizzo, K. & Bosacki, S. (2013). Social cognitive theory and practice of moral development in educational settings. In B. J. Irby, G. Brown, R. Lara-Alecio, & S. Jackson (Eds.) and P. Jenlink (Sect. Ed.), The handbook of educational theories (pp. 595-606). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc.

  • Bosacki, S. L., & O’Neill, S. A. (2012). Popular music, identity, and emotional competence in adolescents: Implications for the classroom. In S. A. O’Neill (Series Ed.), Personhood and music learning (pp. 153-164). Waterloo, ON: Canadian Music Educators Association
  • Bosacki, S. (2005). Religious development in children and youth. In C. Frisby & D. Reynolds (Eds.), Comprehensive Handbook of Multicultural School Psychology (pp. 611-650). New York: Wiley & Sons.
  • Varnish, A., & Bosacki, S. (2005). Autism. In E. M. Dowling and W. G. Scarlett (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Spiritual and Religious Development, (pp. 25-26). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Bosacki, S., Talwar, V., & Castellanos, M. (2023). Longitudinal exploration of mindreading and self-conscious emotions in early adolescents. Psychological Studies,
  • Roma, R., Tardif-Williams, C., & Bosacki, S. (2023). “Because they are a part of life:” Children’s ideas about the welfare, rights, and protection of animals and ecosystems. Journal of Moral Education.
  • Khalalili, N., Talwar, V., & Bosacki, S. (in-press). The moderating role of spirituality and gender in Canadian and Iranian emerging adolescents’ theory of mind and prosocial behaviour. Frontiers: Developmental Psychology.
  • Maynard, M., Quenneville, S., Hinves, K., Talwar, V., & Bosacki, S. (2023). Interconnections between emotional recognition and self-processes in adolescents. Adolescents, 3, 41-50.
  • Bialecka-Pikul, M., Bialek, A., Stępień-Nycz, M., Bosacki, S., & Talwar, V. (in-press). Peeking and lying in the temptation resistance paradigm in 2.5-year-olds: The role of inhibitory control. PLOSone
  • Talwar, V., Castellanos, M., & Bosacki, S. (2023). Self-compassion, social cognition, and self-affect in adolescence: A longitudinal study. Self and Identity22(1), 58–76.
  • Bosacki, S., Tardif-Williams, C., & Roma, R. (2022). Children’s self- and other-compassion and pet attachment. Adolescents, 2, 493-507.
  • Bosacki, S., Quenneville, S., Powell, S., & Talwar, V. (2022). Canadian adolescents’ solitude experiences, self-perceptions, and well-being. Journal of Silence Studies in Education, 2, 24-39.
  • Gazelle, H., Lundin, J. K. S., & Bosacki, S. (2022). Theory of mind, gender, gains in friendships versus peer acceptance and anxious solitude from middle childhood through early adolescence. Social Development, 00, 1– 22.
  • Caputi, M., & Bosacki, S. (2022). The role of gender in the relation among anxiety, theory of mind, and well-being in early adolescents. The Journal of Early Adolescence0(0).
  • Smogorzewska, J., Szumski, G., Bosacki, S., & Grygiel, P. (2022a). Just listen to your mind: Consequences of theory of mind development for deaf or hard-of-hearing children, Research in Developmental Disabilities, 127, 104261,
  • Osterhaus, C., & Bosacki, S. (2022). Systematic review of advanced Theory of Mind measures and social consequences. Developmental Review, 64, 101201.
  • Zabin, R., Bosacki, S., & Novak, J. (2022). The role of emotional intelligence in OntarionInternational graduate students: An auto-ethnography. Journal of Comparative and International Higher Education,  14(4), 37–52.
    Smogorzewska, J., Szumski, G., Bosacki, S., Grygiel, P., & Karwowski, M. (2022b). School engagement, sensitivity to criticism and academic achievement in children: The predictive role of theory of mind. Learning and Individual Differences, 93, 102111.
  • Quenneville, S., Talwar, V., & Bosacki, S. (2022). Teacher ratings and adolescent students’ perceived social behaviours and gender-role orientations, Journal of Gender Studies, 31(4), 444-456, DOI: 10.1080/09589236.2021.1988530
  • Quenneville, S.,  Talwar, V., & Bosacki , S. (2021): Teacher ratings and adolescent students’ perceived social behaviours and gender-role orientations, Journal of Gender Studies, DOI: 10.1080/09589236.2021.1988530
  • Bosacki, S., Sitnik, V.,  Moriera. F. & Talwar.V. (2021): Emotion recognition, self-knowledge, and perceptions of leisure time activities in emerging adolescents: A longitudinal study, European Journal of Developmental Psychology, DOI: 10.1080/17405629.2021.1937993
  • Andrews, K., Lariccia, L., Talwar, V., & Bosacki, S. (2021). Empathetic concern in emerging adolescents: The role of theory of mind and gender roles. Journal of Early Adolescents.
  • Bosacki, S., Talwar, V., Sitnik, V., Moreira Pissoto, F., Coccimiglio, M., & Quenneville, S. (2020). Social cognition, self perceptions, and social withdrawal in adolescents. Paedagogia Christiana, 46(2), 63-91.
  • Bosacki, S., Pissoto Moreira, F., Sitnik, V., Andrews, K., & Talwar, V. (2019). Theory of mind, self-knowledge, and perceptions of loneliness in emerging adolescents. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 1-18. doi: 10.1080/00221325.2019.1687418
  • Bosacki, S., Moreira, F., Sitnik, V., Andrews, K., & Talwar, V. (2019). Theory of mind, emotion knowledge, and school engagement in emerging adolescents. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 11(5), 529-538. doi: 10.26822/iejee.2019553349
  • Bosacki, S., Sitnik, V., Dutcher, K., & Talwar, V. (2018). Gratitude, social cognition, and well-being in emerging adolescents. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 179(5), 256-269. doi: 10.1080/00221325.2018.1499607
  • Smith, S., Dutcher, K., Askar, M., Talwar, V., & Bosacki, S. (2018). Emotional competencies in emerging adolescence: Relations between teacher ratings and student self-reports. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth. doi: 10.1080/02673843.2018.1455059
  • Tardif-Williams, C. Y., Bosacki, S. L. (2017). Gender and age differences in children’s perceptions of self-companion animal interactions expressed through drawings. Society and Animals: Journal of Human-Animal Studies25(1), 77-97. doi: 10.1163/15685306-12341433
  • Woods, H., Bosacki, S., & Coplan, R. (2016). Canadian early childhood educators’ perceptions of children’s gendered shy, aggressive, and prosocial behaviors. Journal of Research in Childhood Education30(3), 320-333. doi: 10.1080/02568543.2016.1178199
  • Tardif-Williams, C. Y., & Bosacki, S. L. (2015). Evaluating the impact of a humane education summer camp program on school-aged children’s relationships with companion animals. Anthrozoӧs28(4), 587-600. doi: 10.1080/08927936.2015.1070001
  • Servos, J. E., Dewar, B. A., Bosacki, S. L., & Coplan, R. J. (2015). Canadian early childhood educators’ perceptions of young children’s gender-role play and cultural identity. Journal of Early Childhood Research. doi:10.1177/1476718X15579740.
  • Kołodziejczyk, A. M., & Bosacki, S. L. (2015). Children’s understandings of characters’ beliefs in persuasive arguments: Links with gender and theory of mind. Early Child Development and Care, 185(4), 562-577. doi:10.1080/03004430.2014.940930
  • Bullock, A, Coplan, R., & Bosacki. S. (2015). Exploring links between early childhood educators’ psychological characteristics and classroom management self-efficacy beliefs. Canadian Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 47, 175-183. doi: 10.1037/a0038547
  • Bosacki, S. (2015). Children’s theory of mind, self-perceptions, and peer relations: A longitudinal study. Infant and Child Development, 24, 175-188. doi: 10.1002/icd.1878
  • Bosacki, S. (2014). Brief Report: The Role of Psychological Language in Children’s Theory of Mind and Self-Concept Development. Psychology of Language and Communication, 18, 41-52. doi: 10.2478/plc-2014-0003
  • Bosacki, S., Coplan, R., & Woods, H. (2014). Canadian female and male early childhood educators’ perceptions of child aggression and rough-and-tumble play. Early Child Development and Care, 1–14. doi:10.1080/03004430.2014.980408
  • Coplan, R. J., Bullock, A., Archbell, K. A., & Bosacki, S. (2015). Preschool teachers’ attitudes, beliefs, and emotional reactions to young children’s peer group behaviors. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 30, 117–127. doi:10.1016/j.ecresq.2014.09.005
  • Bosacki, S. (2014). A longitudinal study of children’s theory of mind, self-concept, and gender-role orientation. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 6, 213-228.
  • Akseer, T., Bosacki, S. L., Rose-Krasnor, L., & Coplan, R. J. (2014). Canadian Elementary School Teachers’ Perceptions of Gender Differences in Shy Girls and Boys in the Classroom. Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 29(2), 100–115. doi:10.1177/0829573514521992
  • Bosacki, S. (2013). A longitudinal study of children’s Theory of Mind and drawings of play. World Journal of Education, 3(5), 13-25. doi: 10.5430/wje.v3n5p13
  • Lao, G., Akseer, T., Bosacki, S., & Coplan, R. (2013). Elementary teachers’ self-identified childhood shyness and their perceptions of shy children. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 5(3), 269-284.
  • Bosacki, S., Bialecka-Pikul, M., & Spzak, M. (2013). Theory of mind and self-concept in Canadian and Polish Youth. International Journal of Youth and Adolescence (on-line June 14, 2013). 1-13, doi:10.1080/02673843.2013.804423
  • Bosacki, S., & O’Neill, S. (2013). Early adolescents’ emotional perceptions and engagement with popular music activities in everyday life. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth (on-line May 25, 2013). P. 1-17, doi: 10.1080/02673843.2013.785438
  • Bosacki, S., Rose-Krasnor, L., & Coplan, R. (2013). Children’s talking and listening within the classroom: Teachers’ insights. Early Childhood Development and Care, 184, 247-265. doi: 10.1080/03004430.2013.781165
  • Bosacki, S. L. (2013). A longitudinal study of children’s theory of mind, self-concept, and perceptions
    of humor in self and other. Social Behavior and Personality: An international journal, 41(4), 663-673. doi: 10.2224/sbp.2013.41.4.663
  • Boseovski, J., Lassiter, C., & Bosacki, S. (2013). Children’s trait and emotion attributions in socially ambiguous and unambiguous situations. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 174, 366-386. doi:10.1080/00221325.2012.685991
  • Bosacki, S. (2013). Theory of mind understanding and conversational patterns in early adolescence. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 174, 170-191. doi:10.1080/00221325.2012.659233
  • Bosacki, S, Harwood, D., & Sumaway, C. (2012). Being mean: Children’s gendered perceptions of peer teasing within the classroom. Journal of Moral Education, 41, 473-489, doi: 10.1080/03057240.2012.690728.
  • Moore, K., Talwar, V., & Bosacki, S. (2012). Diverse voices: Children’s perceptions of spirituality. International Journal of Children’s Spirituality, 17, 217-234, doi:10.1080/1364436X.2012.742040
  • Bosacki, S. (2012). Socioemotional competence, self-perceptions, and receptive vocabulary in shy Canadian children. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 4(3), 573-591.
  • Bosacki, S., Moore, K., Talwar, V., & Park-Saltzman, J. (2011). Preadolescents’ gendered spiritual identities and self-regulation. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 32(3), 303-316. doi: 10.1080/136172/2011.627679
  • Bosacki, S. Coplan, R., Rose-Krasnor, L, & Hughes, K. (2011). Elementary school teachers’ reflections on shy children in the classroom. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 57, 273-287.
  • Coplan, R., Hughes, K., Rose-Krasnor, L., & Bosacki, S. (2011). Is silence golden? Elementary school teachers’ strategies and beliefs towards hypothetical shy/quiet and talkative/exuberant children. Journal of Educational Psychology, 103, 939-951. doi: 10.1037/a0024551
  • Moore, C., Bosacki, S., & MacGillivary, S. (2011). Theory of mind and social interest in zero acquaintance play situations. Child Development, 82, 1151-1162. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8624.2011.01602.x
  • Moore, K., Talwar, V., Bosacki, S., & Park-Saltzman, J. (2011). Children’s perceptions of spirituality. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 57, 107-110.
  • Lagutatta, K., Nucci, L., & Bosacki, S. (2010). Bridging theory of mind and the personal domain: Children’s reasoning about resistance to parental control. Child Development, 81, 616-635.
  • Bosacki, S., Elliott, A., Akseer, S., & Bajovic, M. (2009). The spiritual component of children’s lives: The role of media. British Journal of Religious Education, 32(1), 49–61. doi:10.1080/01416200903332072
  • Harwood, D., Bosacki, S., & Borcsok, K. (2010). An investigation of young children’s perceptions of teasing within peer relationships. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 2(2), 237–260.
  • Bosacki, S., Elliott, A., Bajovic, M., & Akseer, S. (2009). Preadolescents’ Self-concept and Popular Magazine Preferences. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 23(3), 340–350. doi:10.1080/02568540909594665
  • Bosacki, S. L., Varnish, A., & Akseer, S. (2008). Children’s gendered sense of self and play as represented through drawings and written descriptions. Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 23(2 ), 190–205. doi:10.1177/0829573508326302
  • Bosacki, S. L. (2007). Children’s understandings of emotions and self: Are there gender differences? Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 22(2), 155–172. doi:10.1080/02568540709594619
  • Bosacki, S., Dane, A., Marini, Z., & YLC‐CURA. (2007). Peer relationships and internalizing problems in adolescents: Mediating role of self‐esteem. Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, 12(4), 261–282. doi:10.1080/13632750701664293
  • Bosacki, S. L., Marini, Z. A., & Dane, A. V. (2006). Voices from the classroom: pictorial and narrative representations of children’s bullying experiences. Journal of Moral Education, 35(2), 231–245. doi:10.1080/03057240600681769
  • Bosacki, S., & Moore, C. (2004). Preschoolers’ Understanding of Simple and Complex Emotions: Links with Gender and Language. Sex Roles, 50, 659–675. doi:10.1023/B:SERS.0000027568.26966.27
  • Gillies-Rezo, S., & Bosacki, S. (2003). Invisible Bruises: Kindergartners’ perceptions of bullying. International Journal of Children’s Spirituality, 8(2), 163–177. doi:10.1080/13644360304628
  • Bosacki, S. (2003). Psychological pragmatics in preadolescents: Sociomoral understanding, self-worth, and school behavior. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 32(2), 141–155. doi:10.1023/A:1021861902463
  • Bosacki, S. L. (2000). Theory of mind and self-concept in preadolescents: Links with gender and language. Journal of Educational Psychology, 92, 709-717. doi:10.1037/0022-0663.92.4.709
  • Bosacki, S., & Ota, C. (2000). Preadolescents’ voices: A consideration of British and Canadian children’s reflections on religion, spirituality, and their sense of self. International Journal of Children’s Spirituality, 5(2), 203–219. doi:10.1080/713670922
  • Bosacki, S., & Astington, J. W. (1999). Theory of mind in preadolescence: Relations between social understanding and social competence. Social Development, 8(2), 237-255.

For electronic or paper copies of chapters and journals, please e-mail Dr. Sandra Bosacki.