Gallery Calls & Submissions

upcoming calls

Summer Art Call: Overview

Attention all students, faculty, staff, and local community!

This summer – we celebrate painting!

We are excited to announce that we are now accepting submissions for our summer exhibition, an exhibition that celebrates and explores painting. This community call is one that observes painting – the creativity, innovation, and artistry of the practice.

The exhibition will run from July 25 – September 14, 2024.
An exhibition reception will be held on Thursday, September 12, 2024 from 5:00 – 7:00 pm at the Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine & Performing Arts.

Submission Guidelines:

Space is very limited.

Artists can submit one (1) work each.

Accepted media/medium: painting (on any material, support, etc.)

Size and Dimensions:

2D Works: Up to 2 x 3 feet
Include exact measurements and any specific installation requirements.

Painted sculpture/3D works may be considered however, please note that space is limited. Include exact measurement(s), approx. weight, installation requirements (floor, wall, etc.)

For unframed work on paper, please indicate preferred installation method (e.g. pins, adhesive/tape, etc.)

Submissions will be juried by the Visual Arts Gallery Committee.

Please consider the practical aspects of transporting and displaying your work, as well as preparedness; all work must be complete (not in-progress) and install-ready.

Artwork must be wrapped upon delivery to the Visual Arts Gallery.

All submissions must be submitted electronically by the noted deadline. Late submissions will not be considered. If you are unable to drop off your work on/by the specified date, please find alternate arrangements/assistance to ensure you meet the deadline and drop-off window.

With your submission, please include full label information that includes name, artwork title, year, medium, size (in inches or feet), brief description/artist bio, price (if applicable)

Include 1 – 2 photographs of submitted artwork.
Submit image files as high-resolution JPEGs.
Label image files as: FULL NAME, ARTWORK TITLE

Submission Process: Please email all submission materials to
In the subject line, please write: VISA GALLERY PAINTING SUBMISSION

Please note the following important dates:

Submission deadline: Monday, July 8, 2024

Notification of Acceptance: Those selected will be notified on/by Friday July 12, 2024

Drop-off date:  July 18, 2024 between 1 – 5 pm, to Visual Arts Gallery, Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts

Exhibition Dates & Location: July 25 – September 14, 2024, Visual Arts Gallery, Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine & Performing Arts, 15 Artists’ Common, St. Catharines, ON L2R 0B5

Reception: Thursday, September 12, 2024, 5 –7 pm
All welcome. Cash bar. Light refreshments will be served.

Pick-up of Artwork: Details to be emailed directly to participating artists.

For questions/further information about this call, please contact the Visual Arts Gallery at