Local teens hone creative skills at MIWSFPA

Image caption: Grade 12 student Tanner Petraroia was part of a student group from Laura Secord Secondary School who visited Brock’s Marliyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts for a drawing workshop on Monday, Nov. 25.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024 | by 

Brock University recently welcomed Niagara high school students to find inspiration and explore their creativity.

Led by District School Board of Niagara art teacher Jennifer Bolan (BA ’13), Laura Secord Secondary School visual arts students visited the Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts (MIWSFPA) Visual Arts (VISA) studios on Monday, Nov. 25.

The group was hosted by VISA Chair and Associate Professor Amanda Burk, who guided them through a drawing workshop.

During the visit, students had the opportunity to experience Brock’s facilities and receive feedback on their technique, helping them to get a feel for how arts are explored at the University.

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