Upcoming exhibition at Rodman Hall: Donna Akrey’s “Also Also”

(Source: Rodman Hall Art Centre)

Also Also

Curated by Marcie Bronson

February 11 to April 30, 2017

Opening Reception: Saturday, February 11, 3 pm

HOT TALK: Thursday, March 2, 7 pm
Donna Akrey in conversation with Marcie Bronson

Donna Akrey is interested in how habit shapes the way we experience and engage with the world around us. Rooted in her astute observation of patterns of communication and consumption, her work humorously intervenes to raise discussion about social and environmental issues, often responding directly to a particular site or community. Using common, surplus, and discarded materials to construct sculptures and installations that she describes as “ruminations on the spectacle of the unspectacular”, Akrey draws attention to the futility of the notion of “the ultimate” and the richness in the space between intention and result. Akrey explains: “I imagine the absurd as real, because sometimes the real is so absurd.” Alongside selected works from the last 15 years of her practice, this exhibition presents a site-specific outdoor installation created in collaboration with neighbourhood residents.

Donna Akrey, Middle Ground, 2016, mirror, wood, foam, casters.

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