TRACE: VISA Honours Exhibition

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Brock University Department of Visual Arts Honours Exhibition

March 22 to April 27, 2014
Opening Reception: Friday, March 21, 7 pm
Panel Discussion and Catalogue Launch: Friday, April 11, 7 pm
TRACE, the 2014 edition of the Brock University Visual Arts Honours Exhibition at Rodman Hall Art Centre, features artworks by seven graduating honours students from the Department of Visual Arts: Julia Chamberlain, Holley Corfield, Emma German, Amy Hansen, Stacey Kinder, Monique Mol, and Lauren Regier.

This exhibition is the culmination of eight months of work during which students have pursued the creation of a sustained body of artwork. Under the mentorship of professors Donna Szőke and Jean Bridge, students have each evolved individual creative approaches to the delicate complexities of memory, touch, presence and evidence.

The Department of Visual Arts partners with Rodman Hall to make it possible for graduating students to work in the studios at the gallery and engage directly with Curators Marcie Bronson and Stuart Reid and guest artists who exhibit at Rodman Hall throughout the year. In this stimulating environment, students are challenged to take their work from experimentation and making to professional-level production and exhibition. Students in the Honours Studio forge rigorous and impactful work within this unique context that enhances their future opportunities for graduate studies or professional creative practice with a strong portfolio.

Such exhibits from the Department of Visual Arts are key to the Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts’ mandate to connect the community with the breadth of talent and creativity at Brock University.


Rodman Hall Art Centre / Brock University
109 St. Paul Crescent, St. Catharines, Ontario L2S 1M3
TEL 905.684.2925
FAX 905.682.4733

Gallery Hours:

Tuesday to Sunday: 10 am to 5 pm
Thursday: 10 am to 9 pm
Closed Monday and statutory holidays
Admission is by donation.
Free community event


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