Media releases

  • Brock, international researchers explore links between perfectionism and procrastination

    MEDIA RELEASE: 21 June 2017 – R00119

    Do perfectionists procrastinate?


    Well, yes and no, concludes a study by an international team that includes Brock University’s Danielle Molnar, Assistant Professor in the Department of Child and Youth Studies.

    Perfectionism is the belief that perfection must be strived for at all costs. People high in this personality trait set excessively high performance standards for themselves, and consider achieving anything less as being unacceptable.

    But whether or not a perfectionist habitually delays or postpones tasks depends on the type of perfectionist the person is.

    “Perfectionism is not the same thing as conscientiousness,” Molnar says. “Perfectionism represents a compulsion to be absolutely perfect in all respects whereas conscientiousness represents healthy striving for excellence.”

    There are two main types of perfectionism.

    People with ‘perfectionistic strivings’ have a compulsion to set their own standards of perfection, says Molnar, and relentlessly push themselves to achieve those high goals, being self-critical in the process.

    By comparison, people with ‘perfectionistic concerns’ still set very high standards and feel compelled to reach them, but also tend to be preoccupied with what others think of them, are more sensitive to external pressure and criticisms, and are motivated by a fear of failure rather than achieving success.

    The new research indicates that the latter group — people higher in perfectionistic concerns — are more likely to procrastinate, and thus more likely to miss deadlines or in some cases even abandon their goals.

    “They’re so afraid of making that one mistake or not being able to meet their lofty goals that they tend to focus on their negative feelings surrounding the task and engage in avoidance techniques rather than make meaningful progress towards their goals,” Molnar says.

    People with perfectionistic strivings, on the other hand, are less likely to procrastinate and usually stick it out, she says.

    “They’re more likely to follow through and engage in the goals in the first place, meet deadlines, these sorts of things. They have this belief that, ‘I can get there’ and so they keep pushing themselves and pushing themselves until they reach their destination.”

    But Molnar warns against seeing perfectionistic strivings as an effective way to motivate people to become successful.

    “Yes, perfectionistic strivings are associated with less procrastination, which may guide you to reach your goals, but they’re also associated with depression, anxiety and stress, so there can be a substantial cost.”

    Molnar explains many of the roots of our perfectionistic tendencies stretch back to childhood.

    Those strivings frequently originate from parents who have very high standards for their children, but mix those expectations with warmth and acceptance.

    But, parents with highly demanding expectations who tie their child’s worth to performance and show greater affection when the child is successful can result in perfectionistic concerns.

    “So you’re the best child in the world when you’re meeting standards but then, when you’re not, there’s a coldness and more of an aloofness or there could actually be punitive measures,” Molnar says.

    She gives suggestions on how people can deal with both perfectionism and procrastination, including:

    • Reassess your goals: Is it realistic? Can we take it back a notch? Does it have to be perfect, or can it be great? Are these my goals or are they being set by others?
    • Recognize that re-adjusting goals does not mean that you’re lowering your standards
    • Separate your behaviour from your identity: I have perfectionistic tendencies, versus, I am a perfectionist
    • Give yourself permission to make mistakes and not be ‘perfect’ by cultivating self-compassion and self-acceptance to combat self-criticism
    • Schedule breaks during your task to allow for immediate relief from any negative feelings that may emerge while working on the task, but also allow for a distinct return to the task.

    The international research team includes Molnar, Fuschia Sirois in the Department of Psychology at the University of Sheffield in England and Jameson Hirsch from the Department of Psychology at East Tennessee State University.

    Their findings are detailed in their study, “A Meta-analytic and Conceptual Update on the Associations Between Procrastination and Multidimensional Perfectionism,” published this spring in the European Journal of Personality.

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews: 

    • Maryanne Firth, Writer/Editor, Brock University, 905-688-5550 x4420 or 289-241-8288

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    Categories: Media releases

  • Joint program lets Grade 12 students earn a Brock kinesiology credit

    MEDIA RELEASE: 19 June 2017 – R00118

    Brock University and Niagara Catholic District School Board (NCDSB) have launched a partnership to help better prepare students pursuing kinesiology as they make the leap from high school to university.

    Beginning in September, students at Denis Morris Catholic High School in St. Catharines who enroll in Introduction to Kinesiology, a Grade 12 university preparation course, will be able to receive credit towards a first-year Brock Kinesiology course called Foundations of Movement Studies.

    About 30 high school students will travel to Brock twice a week to participate in lectures and activity-based classes, all while interacting with faculty from the University’s Department of Kinesiology.

    The Exercise Science course will cover a range of topics, including sport history, physical literacy, sport for development, movement sciences, developmental physical activity, sport policy, and social issues and sport.

    Brock and NCDSB officials, joined by Denis Morris students, gathered on Monday, June 19 in Brock’s Bob Davis Gymnasium to formally launch the partnership.

    “This unique opportunity to obtain a high school credit while also obtaining a Brock University credit speaks loudly to our commitment to supporting our local community and students,” said Jamie Mandigo, Brock’s Vice-Provost, Enrolment Management and International, who will also be leading the program as a Kinesiology faculty member. “It also speaks to the NCDSB’s commitment to encouraging and preparing their students to be successful at their next step of learning at post-secondary institutions.”

    Mandigo, who hopes this leads to further such collaborations, said the initiative is intended to help high school students feel comfortable on Brock’s campus, and show them that obtaining a university degree is possible.

    Peter Tiidus, Brock’s Dean of Faculty of Applied Health Sciences, said the experience will “provide these students with a greater understanding and appreciation of the academic field of kinesiology, including its depth and breadth, that will serve them well in their future education and personal lives.”

    “It will perhaps encourage some of them to pursue further post-secondary education in kinesiology, ideally at Brock University, where we look to be the university of choice, particularly for top students from the Niagara region.”

    John Crocco, Niagara Catholic’s Director of Education, said the partnership will give high school students the opportunity to explore the Kinesiology program, while also experiencing a university classroom and becoming familiar with Brock’s campus.

    “Our Denis Morris students are pioneers in this program,” he said. While relationships have existed between Niagara Catholic and Brock in the past, this is the first full dual-credit course being offered between the two parties.

    Crocco said he would like to see the partnership expanded to include other schools within the board.

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:

    • Maryanne Firth, Writer/Editor, Brock University, 905-688-5550 x4420 or 289-241-8288

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    Categories: Media releases