Media releases

  • Giant bamboo may be the future of sustainable construction, says Brock researcher

    MEDIA RELEASE: March 13 2024 – R0030

    A Brock researcher is aiming to shape the future of sustainable construction by turning to an unconventional material: engineered bamboo.

    With funding from a Government of Canada Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council’s (NSERC) Discovery Grant, Associate Professor of Engineering Amir Mofidi is using advanced techniques to fabricate new forms of engineered bamboo as a suitable economical and practical alternative for construction purposes.

    “When thinking about construction materials, the industry predominantly relies on steel and concrete, which are high in carbon emissions, and faster growing soft wood timber, which requires 30 to 40 years to grow,” he says.

    In this context, a common sustainability approach in the construction industry is to prolong the lifetime of existing buildings, bridges and other structures, says Mofidi, who is internationally recognized for rehabilitating existing concrete structures.

    “The construction industry moves quickly, so it’s important to innovate the supply chain with alternatives for fabrication with highly renewable resources,” he says.

    Giant bamboo is a fast growing, strong and durable material. It comes in the form of hollow cross sections that can be as wide as 250 millimetres and can grow to minimum heights of three to four metres. Some species can grow as fast as one metre a day and may only need four to five years before they are mature enough to harvest.

    But bamboo’s hollow shape limits its use in construction, says Mofidi, who is engineering bamboo to create cutting-edge composite materials.

    Mofidi is also pursuing the possibility of growing non-invasive bamboo species in a laboratory that can survive in -20C to -30C weather with the goal of finding a species strong enough for construction that can be grown locally outdoors.

    “We are mindful of the need to protect surrounding agriculture and have selected varieties that have their own root structures,” Mofidi says. “Ultimately, we want to develop partnerships with the Niagara farming community and provide an economically justifiable crop.”

    These crops are not to be confused with bamboo species commonly planted in residential yards, which have a reputation for invading neighbouring properties.

    In fact, Mofidi highlights that in many countries, farmers will plant a row of non-invasive bamboo around their fields to protect against insects and flooding.

    “The giant bamboo is an impressive plant with potential that is not fully recognized yet,” he says. “There are even varieties with roots that can purify contaminated water.”

    While modern kitchens and bathrooms frequently use engineered bamboo for cabinetry in the form of tiny strips shaped together, bamboo has been used in traditional architecture in China and East Asia for thousands of years.

    “The realization that giant bamboo has the potential to become the construction material of the future came to me a few years ago while in discussion with two undergraduate students,” Mofidi says.

    The students approached Mofidi because they wanted to do research relevant to their backgrounds in Hong Kong and Central Africa, areas known for the use of bamboo in construction.

    “I knew concrete and timber, but bamboo was a new field of research for me,” Mofidi says. “Sustainability in construction is something that fascinates me, and I quickly realized there is huge potential here.”

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:

    * Maryanne St. Denis, Manager, Content and Communications, Brock University or 905-246-0256

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    Categories: Media releases

  • NSERC-funded Brock research using insect viruses to benefit human health

    MEDIA RELEASE: March 13 2024 – R0029

    The word “virus” usually evokes a sense of fear or foreboding, a bad thing to be avoided. But for Ian Patterson, a virus can be a lifesaver – under the right conditions.

    The Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences and his team are investigating how the ribonucleic acid (RNA) in viruses that infect an insect can be manipulated to avoid infection and disease in humans.

    Patterson has partnered with Associate Professor Fasséli Coulibaly at the Biomedicine Discovery Institute of Monash University in Australia on their project, “Characterizing an insect-specific virus to deliver RNA to target cells.”

    Their project is supported by $206,450 in funding from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC)’s Alliance International Grant.

    The grant is part of a funding bundle announced by Minister of Transport Pablo Rodriguez Wednesday, March 13 on behalf of Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry François-Philippe Champagne.

    Viruses act like packages containing genetic information. If those viral proteins are deconstructed, the virus’s genetic information can be replaced with molecules that benefit human health. Those beneficial molecules are then protected by the virus shell.

    A protein on the virus enables it to invade a host cell through receptors on the cell membrane’s surface so that the cell receives the virus’s genome and becomes infected.

    “We need to understand more about these virus proteins and entry mechanisms,” says Patterson. “The goal of this knowledge is to use the virus structure to package and deliver proteins that prevent or treat disease in humans.”

    Coulibaly’s Australian team will be using state-of-the-art equipment to map out the structure and entry process of the viruses they’re studying and will send this information to Patterson and his lab.

    Patterson is an expert in virus biology and reverse genetic systems, which involves deleting and mutating particular genes to understand how genes function within DNA or RNA sequences.

    “I’m going to be manipulating the virus,” says Patterson. “Based on the structure, the Australian team will determine critical parts of the virus proteins, then I will make the mutation in the virus to confirm the function. It’s a complementary process, each of us providing essential tasks that the other person doesn’t do.”

    By learning some of the structural biology techniques through their collaborators, he and his team can begin to use the electron microscope at the Brock-Niagara Validation, Prototyping and Manufacturing Institute (VPMI) for the research.

    The long-term vision would be to “essentially use these viruses as sort of a drug delivery tool,” says Patterson.

    He notes that so-called “beneficial viruses” are already being developed in Canada for certain cancer treatments and medicines.

    “The results of our research will enhance our understanding of a viral pathway for virus infection and underpin a strategy to engineer the new entry protein,” says Patterson.

    Acting Brock Vice-President, Research Michelle McGinn says she’s excited by the project’s potential.

    “By connecting with international partners engaged in a complementary line of research and taking advantage of the state-of-the-art equipment located in the Brock–Niagara Validation, Prototyping and Manufacturing Institute, Dr. Patterson and his team are pursuing groundbreaking work that truly matters,” says McGinn. “It is phenomenal that they have identified an innovative approach to genetically engineer a virus to be beneficial for human health.”

    Vance Badawey, Member of Parliament for Niagara Centre, says the “funding provided under the Alliance International Grant through the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council is essential for students who are looking to study with international partners.”

    “These investments are important not only for Brock University, but for the Niagara region, as professors like Dr. Patterson continue to do groundbreaking work,” he says.

    “Our government remains committed to funding innovative scientific research to tackle our toughest challenges,” says Chris Bittle, Member of Parliament for St. Catharines.

    “By investing in research that explores RNA, we can better prepare ourselves against illness and disease,” he says. “It is exciting to see potentially groundbreaking research projects being undertaken right here in St. Catharines at Brock University.”

    NSERC’s Alliance International Grant supports researchers in Canada to work with leading international researchers from the academic sector, and to establish and grow international research collaborations and projects that have a high potential for impact and of global importance and benefit to Canada.

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:

    * Maryanne St. Denis, Manager, Content and Communications, Brock University or 905-246-0256

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    Categories: Media releases