Articles by author: Brock University

  • Brock University expert available for comment on U.S. campaign speeches

    19 April 2016
    Brock University — Communications & Public Affairs

    On the day of the New York primaries, Brock University political scientist Stefan Dolgert has some interesting advice for those running against Republican party candidate Donald Trump.

    Come up with a better enemy-and-victim story.

    “Enemy and victimization narratives are politically effective, even if they’re not actually true,” Dolgert says of Trump’s claims that various ethnic and religious groups cause problems for the wider American public.

    “It’s less important for progressives to point out the problems or the falsities with the other side’s narratives,” he says.

    “It’s more important for progressives to construct a different narrative of victimization,” says Dolgert, adding that Democratic party candidate Bernie Sanders has done this by pointing to big banks wreaking havoc with the American economy.

    “You can’t radically change the voters’ perspectives; what you can do is motivate them to come over to you if you give them a better story about why they’re suffering.”

    Dolgert can take calls on:
    •    The formation and use of political messaging in campaigns.
    •    How and why candidates tap into the electorates’ anger and frustration.
    •    Comparisons of this election’s campaign to previous elections.

    Dolgert’s study — The Praise of Ressentiment: Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Donald Trump — will be published in a political science journal later this year.

    Contact: Stefan Dolgert,

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:
    * Cathy Majtenyi, research communications/media relations specialist,, 905-688-5550 x5789 or 905-321-0566

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    Categories: Media releases

  • Brock labour expert releases first-ever report on gender wage gap in Ontario retail

    18 April 2016
    Brock University — Communications & Public Affairs
    Men are being paid more than women in every occupational category within Ontario’s retail sector, new Brock University-led research reveals.

    This is despite the fact that most of Ontario’s one million retail workers are women.

    These are among the stark findings of the report, “The Gender Wage Gap in Ontario’s Retail Sector: Devaluing Women’s Work and Women Workers.” The “gender wage gap” is the difference between what women and men are paid.

    “I’ve studied retail work for six years, but the seriousness of the pay inequities in Ontario still surprised and angered me,” says Brock University labour expert Kendra Coulter, the report’s lead author.

    Coulter teamed up with Angella MacEwen, an economist at the Canadian Labour Congress, and Sheetal Rawal, a lawyer with expertise in pay equity issues, to produce the April 18 report.

    The report combines statistical analysis, the results of an online survey of retail workers, and comparative legal and policy research.

    Findings include:
    •    Men are paid more than women across every occupational category in front-line retail – often a lot more.
    •    Of the few full-time positions that do exist, most are given to men.
    •    Of the retail workers who are paid $12 or less per hour, 65 per cent are women.
    •    48 per cent of online survey respondents feel there are inequalities in workplace promotions, with many attributing favouritism and a “boys’ club” mentality as the cause.

    “This is not about a few bad apples: there is a widespread devaluing of women workers across the sector,” says Coulter, associate professor in Brock’s Centre for Labour Studies.

    See story in The Brock News

    For a copy of the report:

    Contact: Kendra Coulter, associate professor, Centre for Labour Studies,

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:
    * Cathy Majtenyi, Research Communications/Media Relations Specialist, Brock University,, 905-688-5550 x5789 or 905-321-0566

    * Dan Dakin, Media Relations Officer, Brock University,
    905-688-5550 x5353 or 905-347-1970

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    Categories: Media releases