Articles by author: Brock University

  • Experts available to comment on ‘leaving no trace’ when exploring Canada’s national park sites

    MEDIA RELEASE: 26 June 2017 – R00122

    While Canadians are visiting national parks, historic sites and marine conservation areas for free this summer, Brock experts want them to be mindful of their potential impact on these protected areas.

    As part of Canada’s 150th birthday celebrations, Parks Canada has opened its sites at no cost through use of a Discovery Pass. The gesture is expected to increase traffic at the national sites, and Brock experts are encouraging visitors to be mindful of leaving no environmental trace during their trip.

    Garrett Hutson, Recreation and Leisure Studies Associate Professor, can speak to:

    • Leave No Trace principles to minimize recreational impacts to natural areas
    • Brock’s Outdoor Recreation programs and their commitment to teaching students to practise and learn outdoor leadership, while ensuring they leave a minimal impact on the environment

    “Healthy parks help to create healthy people and communities, and can continue to do so for generations through actions of care,” says Hutson, who has done considerable research on the topics of outdoor recreation management, outdoor leadership and person-place relationships.

    Canada’s National Parks are a great way to experience our environment. By using Leave No Trace practices, Hutson believes Canadians can be taught ways to minimize recreational impacts to natural areas.

    Tim O’Connell, Recreation and Leisure Studies Professor, can speak to:

    • Brock BaseCamp, a distinct summer experience for incoming undergraduate students that introduces them to life as a university student through backpacking, canoeing and rock climbing
    • How Brock BaseCamp makes sure students are aware of the cultural and natural history of where they are travelling
    • How to leave as little an impact as possible on the environment by following Leave No Trace principles

    “Many BaseCamp participants appreciate learning how to travel lightly through our provincial and national parks,” says O’Connell, a member of the Council of Outdoor Educators of Ontario. “In fact, many of them apply these principles to their everyday lives when they are back on campus or at home.”

    Leave No Trace Canada is a national non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and inspiring responsible outdoor recreation while building awareness, appreciation and respect for the country’s wildlands.

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:

    • Maryanne Firth, Writer/Editor, Brock University, 905-688-5550 x4420 or 289-241-8288

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    Categories: Media releases

  • Global consultant Gary Comerford to Chair Brock’s Board of Trustees

    MEDIA RELEASE: 23 June 2017 – R00121

    International management and financial specialist Gary Comerford was confirmed as the Chair of Brock University’s Board of Trustees during the board’s annual meeting on June 22.

    Comerford begins a two-year term in succession of John Suk, who had been Chair since 2014, seeing the University through a chapter characterized by campus growth and presidential change. Suk will now serve a one-year term as Immediate Past Chair before stepping down from the Board.

    Comerford is a Niagara native who has worked around the world and now divides his time between Oakville and Niagara-on-the-Lake. In the 1970s he was a lecturer at Brock, and was elected to the Board in 2014. This past year he chaired the Advisory Committee on the President, which oversaw the recruitment and hiring of Gervan Fearon, who will take office as Brock’s next president on Aug. 1.

    “As a Niagara native, I am honoured to be given this role,” said Comerford. “John and my other predecessors worked hard with the Brock community, getting the University to where it is today. There’s opportunity in front of us, and good people to work with. It’s an exciting time to be at Brock.”

    Comerford has an honours BA in History and an MBA from the University of Western Ontario, as well as Institute of Corporate Directors certification from the Rotman School of Management at University of Toronto.

    Currently the CEO of Comerford Management Consultants, his career has included appointments as Vice-President of Marketing for Canada Permanent Trust, and Senior Vice-President (International) for Sun Life of Canada. He served as Sun Life’s general manager for India, and is past president of the Canada India Business Council. He is also a past chair of the Shaw Festival Board.

    The Board’s Governance/Nominating Committee also approved other nominations:

    Trustee Kristine Freudenthaler was elected to a one-year term as Vice-Chair of the Board
    Community members Mario De Divitiis, Beverley Morden and Robin Williams were re-elected for a three-year term
    Faculty member and Chair of Senate David Whitehead was appointed as an ex-officio member for one year
    Chris Phillips, President of the Brock University Alumni Association, was appointed as a new ex officio community member of the Board
    Staff member Giulia Forsythe was appointed to a three-year term
    Student member Faisal Hejazi was appointed as an ex-officio member as President of the Brock University Students’ Union
    Shannon Kitchings was appointed as an ex-officio member as President of the Brock University Graduate Students’ Association
    Trustees William Rickers and Elisabeth Zimmermann were elected to one-year terms as Board representatives to Senate
    All new appointments take effect July 1.

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:

    • Maryanne Firth, Writer/Editor, Brock University, 905-688-5550 x4420 or 289-241-8288

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    Categories: Media releases