Become a Member at the Brock LINC

Brock LINC Membership is open to Brock University students, researchers, faculty members, alumni and community members that are working on an entrepreneurial venture. Entrepreneurs can be at any stage in the development of their venture. Student entrepreneurs, start-ups and innovators are encouraged to sign up to become a member of the Brock LINC.

Brock LINC Member Benefits

As a member of the Brock LINC, you are joining an entrepreneurial community made up of students, researchers, faculty members and community members. Membership is free, but requires an initial consultation with the Brock LINC team to be approved as a Brock LINC Member. Participants in Brock LINC affiliated programs, like Kick-Starting Entrepreneurship, NAVIGATE, Blueprint and the LINCubator, have membership included with those programs.

Membership includes access to:

  • Open tables, seating and collaboration spaces in the Atrium (Level 200) and Upper Deck (Level 300) that are available in the Rankin Family Pavilion 24/7. This includes a kitchenette, eating spaces, accessible washrooms and wireless internet access.
  • Innovation Stations, or hot desks, in the Upper Deck (Level 300). Innovation Stations are available from 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday on a first come, first served basis.
  • Six meeting rooms with smart TVs, webcams, and whiteboards. Spaces include one large seminar room, two boardrooms, and three small meeting rooms. Meeting rooms can only be booked for entrepreneurial related activity and are available from 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday. They cannot be used for classroom projects, student groupwork or student clubs.
  • Entrepreneurial coaching and advisory services from the Brock LINC team, and our Entrepreneur in Residence.
  • The Makerspace, where members can design, test, prototype or develop audio and video productions. The Makerspace includes access to 3D printing, laser cutting, engraving, workbenches, sewing machines, high performance computers, a full audio production lab, and a full video production lab.
  • The Brock LINC does not take ownership or equity in members start-up businesses.

Brock LINC Member Responsibilities

  • All team members of a startup or company intending to access the space must complete a Membership form
  • Members agree to use bookable space only for purposes related to their business venture
  • Members must be respectful of the Brock LINC space and keep shared spaces and meetings rooms tidy. Failure to comply with this expectation may result in the loss of membership.
  • Members agree to provide updates to the Brock LINC on their business progress
  • Membership is valid for one year and must be renewed every September.

Brock LINC Membership Form