
Results from internal and external campus-wide surveys are stored here.

External Surveys

The National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) collects information from first year and final year students about the characteristics and quality of their undergraduate experience. Since the inception of the survey, more than 1,500 bachelor’s-granting colleges and universities in the United States and Canada have used it to measure the extent to which students engage in effective educational practices that are empirically linked with learning, personal development, and other desired outcomes such as persistence, satisfaction, and graduation.

Institutions, Brock Included, use their data to identify aspects of the undergraduate experience inside and outside the classroom that can be improved through changes in policies and practices more consistent with good practices in undergraduate education. This information is also intended for use by prospective students, their parents, academic advisers, institutional research officers, and researchers generally in learning more about how students spend their time and what they gain from their experiences.

In 2006, all of the provincially-assisted universities in Ontario participated in the NSSE survey. This was in response to the Ontario government’s call for greater accountability and focus on the quality of the student’s learning experience. The results from the NSSE survey were to be used to measure the extent to which the resources provided by the government are being used to improve the student’s educational experience. In 2008, Brock (along with all Ontario universities) participated for a second time in the NSSE survey and then did so again in 2011. 2013 marked the first year of NSSE’s updated survey instrument and new customization options.

The Office of Institutional Analysis and Planning is responsible for matters related to the NSSE survey administration and analysis. For inquiries, please contact us.

The Canadian Graduate and Professional Survey (CGPSS) was undertaken in 2016 and 2019. This survey contains a wealth of information about graduate student satisfaction and experience. More than 38,000 graduate students participated at over 48 universities across Canada. The survey originated from joint US/Canadian efforts to survey graduate students.

CUSC is Canada’s longest standing and foremost provider of undergraduate student satisfaction and experience surveys. Since CUSC’s inception in 1994, universities across Canada have jointly implemented surveys of their undergraduate students to be able to better understand and serve their students. The surveys run once a year in the Winter term and operate on a three year cycle, alternating between first year students, middle years students, and graduating students.

The Office of Institutional Analysis and Planning is responsible for matters related to the CUSC survey administration and analysis. For inquiries, please contact us.

Use the link on the right to view the visualization derived from OUGS results to answer the question: What kind of jobs are Brock graduates getting?

Use the link on the right to view the visualization derived from OUGS results to answer the following question: What are the top 10 jobs reported two years after graduation? This is a user authenticated Tableau Dashboard.

Internal Surveys

Use the link to the right to view the 2016 results from the Spring-Summer Courses Survey.

Request a survey

Survey Request Form- IPAP

  • Welcome to the Survey Request form!

    Please allow the Department of Institutional Planning, Analysis & Performance 3-5 business days to reply to your request.
  • Section 1: Contact Information

  • Section 2: Survey Administration

  • Select date MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Select date MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Section 3: Survey Design, Distribution and Reporting

    If so, FIPPA requires a Collection Notice be included in the survey or landing page Here is a link to a Collection Notice template:
    *As permitted by Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy. Further details are in the Use & Disclosure of PI Procedure.
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