Applications open for teaching, learning innovation grants

From funding a course held in Algonquin Provincial Park to supporting volunteer initiatives with local seniors, the impact of Teaching and Learning Innovation Grants within the University has been widespread.

A new round of grant funding is now available and faculty members are being encouraged to apply.

The Teaching and Learning Innovation Grants are administered by the Centre for Pedagogical Innovation (CPI) and Experiential Education and are designed to support initiatives that make a positive contribution to the teaching and learning environment of Brock University.

Funding is available in the categories of experiential education, high-impact practices, international course development, online/blended courses, and professional development and special projects. The first four categories may receive a maximum of $3,000 per course (or up to $5,000 for international course development), while the professional development and special projects may receive a maximum of $500, which must also be matched by another source in order to be distributed.

“These grants are a great way to try something new in the classroom,” said Sandy Howe, Brock’s Associate Director, Experiential Education. “With a more streamlined application process, and more funding than we have seen in the past, the grants are more accessible than ever.”

Proposals are adjudicated as they come in and distributed until March 1 or earlier if funds are exhausted.

An information session is being held Tuesday, Jan. 30 from noon to 1 p.m. in TH135 (beside CPI).

All full-time, tenured and probationary faculty are eligible to apply.  To access details of the grants or to submit a proposal, visit the CPI website.

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