Office of Research Services January podcast: Well-being

January podcast: Well-being

BrockUResearch: Consider This is a monthly podcast series launched Sept. 25 by the Office of Research Services and co-produced with Brock University’s radio station, CFBU.

Each month, our researchers tackle an issue of interest to the community. They draw upon their findings, insights and experiences to broaden and deepen understanding in a particular area.

Hosted by Mike Saunders, the podcast departs from the traditional question-and-answer approach. Our researchers – typically from different departments and disciplines – sit at the table and discuss and debate the issue with one another, each adding their unique piece of the puzzle.

January’s podcast is: What gives us a sense of well-being?

The holiday tree has been taken down. The credit cards bills are starting to pour in and it’s cold and dark outside. You go on Facebook and are confronted by holiday pictures of your friend’s timelines and you’re wondering if somehow you’ve missed the boat.

‘Tis the season when thoughts turn to the concept of “well-being.” What exactly is well-being? What are the beliefs and practices that create – and sustain – a sense of well-being? Here to explore the question are Michael Busseri, associate professor, Department of Psychology, Colleen Hood, professor, Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies, and Kathy Belicki, professor, Department of Psychology.

Read more stories in: In the Media
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