CFP [Due – Jan 12]: OPIRG-Toronto Winter Conference

OPIRG-Toronto is hosting a winter conference, where students and community members can present research, campaigns and/or papers on work related to social and environmental justice. Check out the callout for proposals below!


Contested Spaces: TRACX Winter Symposium
Saturday March 14, 2015
University of Toronto

Callout for Proposals

The Toronto Research and Community Exchange (TRACX) works to build space for undergraduate and graduate research on social and environmental justice, and facilitates connections between campus resources and community organizations working for social change. In spring 2015, join us to showcase research with a community organizing focus. How do we push for community-based, accountable, social justice research? Where do we start? Through the TRACX program, students can develop research projects useful to campaigns and the long-term goals of grassroots community groups, with the overall aim of funneling the resources of the academy, towards community organizing. This inaugural annual winter symposium, will feature community-based social justice research by community groups and students.

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CFP [Due – Jan 31]: 2015 Society for Socialist Studies Conference

Society for Socialist Studies Conference at Congress 2015

The theme of the 2015 CFHSS Congress is ‘Capital Ideas.’ The theme of the 2015 Society for Socialist Studies Conference is Kapital Ideas: analysis, critique, praxis.  Join us for four days of wide ranging and engaged analysis and dialogue. June 2-5, at the University of Ottawa.


Limited travel grant funding is available. Please complete THIS form by January 31, 5 p.m. EST. and submit it to Matthew Brett at

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CFP [Due – Jan 20]: Niagara Women* and Youth Gathering

Interested in sharing your passion with an engaged audience?

The Niagara Women* and Youth Gathering is currently accepting proposals from organizations and individuals interested in hosting their own workshop!

The Gathering is an annual, free community event open to all ages and genders. Through workshops, panel discussions and interconnecting activities, we celebrate the women and youth of our community and create a safer space environment for us to learn from one another. This is a unique opportunity for members of the community to gather and share ideas related to gender equity, anti-oppression and community focused change.

Please ensure your proposal is submitted by January 20th, 2015.

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Call for Participants: Reading Women’s Memoirs

Are you interested in reading women’s memoirs?

Do you have a community or scholarly interest in women’s narratives of violence and survival?

If you’ve answered yes to both of these questions, please contact Dr. Nancy Taber for more information about a research study titled, Memoir Pedagogy: Gender Narratives of Violence and Survival.

Participation entails reading memoirs, attending 2-3 focus groups in your local area where you will discuss your thoughts in relation to the memoirs, and attending 1 focus group in Hamilton (transportation provided). Expected time commitment, including reading the memoirs, will be approximately 48 hours over the Winter-Spring term.

If you know anyone else who might be interested, please pass this information along to them so they can contact Dr. Taber directly.

This study has been reviewed and received ethics clearance through the Research Ethics Board at Brock University (file #14-057 TABER). If you have any comments or concerns about your rights as a research participant, please contact the Research Ethics Office at (905) 688-5550 ext. 3035,

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Anti-Violence Event [Dec 17]

National Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers

Dec 17 from 5 to 7 pm at the Niagara Artists Centre (354 St. Paul Street, St. Catharines)

Speakers include:

Naomi Sayers is a sex worker activist and Indigenous feminist. She is the creator of and founder of Southwestern Ontario Sex Workers. She is currently attending the Common Law program at the University of Ottawa.

Sarah M is a sex worker activist, student and writer. Her work can be found in The Hamilton Spectator, Briarpath,, and on her blog at

Alex T is a sex worker, a student, and a cabaret performer. She has been active in the sex workers rights movement for more than 20 years.

All are welcome!

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CFP [Due – May 1]: Movements in Post/Socialisms

Interface journal call for papers: Movements in Post/Socialisms

Issue 7/1 (November 2015), deadline May 1 2015

Theme editors: Jiří Navrátil, Elizabeth Humphrys, Kevin Lin, Anna Szolucha

The November 2015 issue of the open-access, online, copyleft academic/activist journal Interface: a Journal for and about Social Movements invites contributions on the theme of Movements in Post/Socialisms as well as general submissions.

The 20th century saw the establishment of, and experimentation within, socialist states across the globe. These efforts were variously lauded, critiqued, condemned and their ‘socialist’ nature disputed. This call for papers asks about the movements that have come in the wake of the collapse and transformation of these diverse regimes.

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SJRI Affiliate Awarded Tribute to Teaching Award | Brock News

This year’s recipients of the Brock University Tribute to Teaching awards share similar philosophies in the classroom.

Both Lydia Chen and Paula Gardner prefer a hands-on approach when it comes to getting their message across.

For Gardner, who won the Brock University Award for Excellence in Teaching for Early Career Faculty, “experience is at the root of understanding.”

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New SSHRC Opportunity | Knowledge Synthesis Grants

Upcoming launch of a SSHRC Knowledge Synthesis Grants competition

SSHRC would like to take this opportunity to inform you of an upcoming Knowledge Synthesis Grants competition. This competition will be launched in support of the objectives of the Imagining Canada’s Future initiative, with a focus on one of the six future challenge areas. The knowledge synthesis will address the challenge area of: What new ways of learning, particularly in higher education, will Canadians need to thrive in an evolving society and labour market?

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Local Activism [Dec 6-7]: Haudenosaunee Treaty Right to Hunt

Locals Support Haudenosaunee Treaty Right to Hunt in Short Hills Provincial Park, St. Catharines, Ontario

Sat. Dec. 6 and Sun. Dec. 7, 2014, Haudenosaunee hunters will be exercising their treaty-guaranteed right to hunt on their traditional lands. In the face of protest by a few hunting, environmental, and animal rights groups, the Haudenosaunee hunters will be accompanied by locals who support this exercise of their treaty right to hunt, with a peaceful demonstration and dialogue.

Short Hills Provincial Park has hosted the hunt for the last few years as arranged by the provincial Ministry of Natural Resources and the Haudenosaunee Confederacy. However, anti-hunt protests and hunt-disruptions marred last year’s hunts.

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CFP [Due – Feb 15]: Controlling Sexuality and Reproduction

Call for Presentations

Controlling Sexuality and Reproduction,
Past and Present
August 12-14, 2015
University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada

Confirmed Keynotes Speakers

Paul A. Lombardo

Dorothy E. Roberts

Sexuality and its effects, as Michel Foucault once claimed, operate as dense transfer points of power relations. As such, states, institutions and citizen groups have been and continue to be deeply concerned with producing an ideal, normative citizenry by controlling sex, sexuality and reproduction.

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