Call for proposals: Chronicling the legacy of the Canadian federal government

In 2008, the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives published The Harper Record as one in a series of publications chronicling the legacy of the Canadian federal government. Edited by Teresa Healy, The Harper Record provided a detailed account of the laws, policies, regulations and initiatives of the Conservative minority government under Prime Minister Stephen Harper during its 32-month term from January 2006 to September 2008.[1]

We invite 250 word proposals for contributions to a new volume to follow The Harper Record. Continue reading

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Brock recognizes profs for outstanding teaching at Convocation | Brock News

First-rate teaching and mentoring that goes above and beyond the norm is the cornerstone of Brock’s reputation for excellence in undergraduate and graduate education. At this year’s Spring Convocation taking place from June 3 to 7, the University will pay tribute to six faculty members for their exceptional contributions to teaching. The Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching is awarded to individuals chosen by selection committees of Faculty members, staff and students from the Faculties of Applied Health Sciences, Education, Humanities, Mathematics and Science, Social Sciences, and the Goodman School of Business. Nominees must have a reputation for superior teaching and be recognized for this quality by students and colleagues. This year’s recipients include SJRI affiliates, Barbara Seeber and Mary Breunig.

Read the full article.

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Are school dress codes unfair to girls? Featuring SJRI’s Rebecca Raby | The Current

Conflicts over student dress codes have been cropping up in schools across Canada. Some institutions argue that revealing clothing is distracting, while many female students, and their parents, say that dress code enforcement ends up shaming girls.

Read full article or listen to the podcast.

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A transdisciplinary space at Congress 2014

At Congress 2014, SJRI created a transdisciplinary space fostering dialogue and galvanizing colleagues from the social sciences and humanities around themes of social justice. A key priority was to break down boundaries and connect the threads of social justice scholarship taking place across various associations.

To do this, SJRI promoted the social justice events of 21 academic and community organizations, including co-sponsoring 11 high profile events.

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Workshop [May 25]: Labour History

Labour history workshop (register): L. Savage, C. Patrias, P. Scott, L. James, P. Godoy, and A. Duffy
CCLHCAWLSBrock University Centre for Labour StudiesBrock University Department of History
May 25, 9 to 4:40 pm, UNIFOR Local, 199 Hall – 123 Bunting Rd.

Includes interactive workshops, bus tour to historical sites, wine tasting and lunch!

Please return your registration form with cheque (payable to Brock University) by Monday, May 12, 2014.

To: Labour History Workshop/Congress 2014
Department of History
Brock University
500 Glenridge Avenue
St. Catharines, ON  L2S 3A1

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SJRI/ORS Grants Info Session [May 9]

An “upcoming grants” information session was hosted by the Social Justice Research Institute (SJRI) and the Office of Research Services (ORS) on May 9th from 9 to 10:30 a.m. for both an online and in person audience. The purpose of this session was to provide timely information about upcoming internal and external funding opportunities and to consider how the long-term sustainability of the Institute could be factored into such grants. Mary Breunig (SJRI Director), Rachel Hirsch (SJRI Projects Facilitator), Carolyn Paterson (ORS Research Officer), and Tressie Dutchyn (ORS Research Officer) provided general information and fielded questions about SJRI grants, the Ontario Research Fund, SSHRC Partnership Development Grants, SSHRC Insight Grants, and other upcoming opportunities to fund social justice research projects.

Included in this post, you will find:

  1. a video recording of the session
  2. links to resources and documentation from the session
  3. general descriptions of the funding opportunities discussed at this information session

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Film Screening [May 30]: The Ghosts in Our Machine

Niagara VegFest presents the Niagara premiere of the award-winning documentary film,The Ghosts in Our Machine on Friday, May 30th. Both the film’s Director (Canadian filmmaker Liz Marshall) and the film’s star (award-winning Canadian photojournalist Jo-Anne McArthur) will be in attendance and will be doing a Q & A after the film. The screening takes place at the Niagara Artists Centre (354 St Paul Street), and tickets are $13. They can be bought online or at the door. All are welcome!

The 3rd annual Niagara VegFest takes place on Sunday, June 1st.

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Semi-Annual General Meeting [April 8]

The agenda for our semi-annual general meeting on April 8, 2014 included a business meeting with updates from Drs. Mary Breunig (SJRI Director) and Andrea Doucet (Chair of SJRI’s Congress Committee), reflections from Dr. Rachel Hirsch (SJRI Projects Facilitator) about “collaborative potential within the SJRI”, and an interactive “transdisciplinary moments” exercise. This article provides an overview of key points and highlights from the meeting including opportunities for those who are interested in working more closely with SJRI’s Projects Facilitator or other SJRI members this year.

Meeting minutes from the AGM are available here.

Included in this post, you will find:

  1. Business Meeting/Updates
  2. Collaborative Potential within the SJRI
  3. “Transdisciplinary Moments” Exercise

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