SSHRC Updates | Office of Research Services e-bulletin, Vol. 6, No. 10


NEW information regarding SSHRC’s  programs for the 2014 competitions.

  • Future challenge areas have been integrated into SSHRC’s website, including through a new Future Challenge Areaslanding page, and a new section appearing in the Talent, Insight and Connection program and funding opportunities descriptions.
  • Priority areas are no longer described in program literature, and the related statements of alignment are no longer included in application forms.  SSHRC will continue to track and report on funding in these areas as part of its overall budget.
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Who should be offended? Mothers or fathers? Discussion with SJRI’s Andrea Doucet | Ontario Today

The Justice Minister sends a message to staff on Mothers Day praising moms for changing diapers and packing lunches. And on Fathers Day, he applauds dads for shaping the minds of future leaders.

Rita Celli hosted a pan-Ontario conversation with several guests including SJRI’s Andrea Doucet, Canada Research Chair in Gender, Work and Care and author of Do Men Mother? Fathering, Care and Domestic Responsibility.

Listen to the Ontario Today radio show podcast for “Who should be offended?

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SJRI Affiliate Richard Mitchell acknowledged for role in UNESCO Chair | Brock News

Brock launches UNESCO Chair in Community Sustainability

Brock University has been awarded a UNESCO Chair that will help to build capacity in sustainability science research and its practical transfer to society.

The chair, which will operate under the theme “Community Sustainability: From Local to Global,” is one of more than 811 UNESCO Chairs worldwide and a network of 18 in Canada facilitated by the Canadian Commission for UNESCO. The Brock chair is the only one in Canada located at an institution situated within a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve.

The first person to fill this new role is biologist Liette Vasseur, a member of Brock’s Environmental Sustainability Research Centre (ESRC).

The application was initiated by Richard Mitchell, associate professor of Child and Youth Studies at Brock, and was made possible by the work of several members from the ESRC, where the chair will be housed.

Read full Brock News article

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Trailer – Outside the Ring | Shape Your Life

Through the lens of a unique violence recovery program in Toronto, this documentary provides a glimpse into the lives of women and transgendered survivors of violence and the impact Boxing has had in their healing.

The film follows the ways in which participants challenge social constructs that dictate that women must not experience their own feelings of aggression.

The Toronto Newsgirls Boxing Club is the first all-women’s boxing club in North America. In 2007 a small group of women boxers active in social justice created Shape Your Life, a project designed for women and trans survivors of violence. The goal of the project was to assist participants to use their bodies to explore healthy aggression to heal the violence that they had experienced.

Film-makers: Joanne Green, Steve Lindsay

Read Brock News article on the documentary.

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Summit [October 18]: Niagara Leadership Summit for Women

This Region wide event invites women from all walks of life to come for a full day of workshops, speakers and networking. Please contact Suzanne if you are interested in helping to organize the event and join our planning committee. All are welcome.
Click here for more information.

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Conference [July 14 – 19]: Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America annual peacemaker’s conference (Peace Camp)

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University of Leeds launching new MA in Global Urban Justice

MA in Global Urban Justice (starting 2015)

Cities are not only becoming dynamic centres of economic growth and development but also crucibles of political action and contestation around diverse aspects of social, environmental and spatial justice. This will become even more relevant over time with around 70 per cent of the world’s population expected to live in cities by 2050. In cities and regions across the world, we now face multiple challenges of climate change, migration and citizenship that threaten our very social and ecological sustainability.

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SJRI researchers receive internal grants | Brock News

Congratulations to SJRI affiliated faculty member, Darlene Ciuffetelli Parker, who was recently awarded an internal “BSIG seed grant” for the project entitled: “Narrative inquiry teacher education discourse community: preparing future teachers as curriculum makers”.

The Brock SSHRC Institutional Grant (BSIG) provides seed money for research-related activities with the aim of applying for further funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).

“These awards at Brock recognize, encourage and support research leadership,” says Gary Libben, vice-president research. “We are proud of the work that our researchers are doing and their commitment to research excellence.”

The Brock University Advancement Fund (BUAF) provides seed funding for small-scale research or pilot projects that will be developed into mature research proposal submissions for external funding agencies in any discipline.

Under the BSIG category, other SJRI affiliated faculty received funding for: organizing a conference to be held at Brock (Stefan Dolgert); scholarly book (Ana Isla); and presenting a paper at an international scholarly conference (June Corman).

Read full article here.

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VISA prof to speak at National Museum of Animals & Society | Brock News

Keri Cronin, chair of  Visual Arts, will speak to the importance of visual components in animal welfare campaigns in Los Angeles next month.

Cronin will be hosted by the National Museum of Animals & Society, for which she is curator of the museum’s online exhibit “Be Kind: A Visual History of Humane Education, 1880 – 1945.”

She will present her lecture on July 6 at the Velaslavasay Panorama during a pop-up version of the exhibit on site for the day.

Read full article here.

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Brock prof explores John Milton’s discussions on toleration, nationalism in new book | Brock News

SJRI’s Elizabeth Sauer examines Milton’s many works – the most famous including Areopagitica and Paradise Lost – to see how Milton developed concepts of toleration and liberty that informed discourses of English nation-building.

Milton produced his poetry, essays, speeches and other works during the political, social and philosophical turmoil of an England ruled by Oliver Cromwell, who contributed to varying degrees to a climate of ‘toleration.’

Read full article here.

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