In 2008, the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives published The Harper Record as one in a series of publications chronicling the legacy of the Canadian federal government. Edited by Teresa Healy, The Harper Record provided a detailed account of the laws, policies, regulations and initiatives of the Conservative minority government under Prime Minister Stephen Harper during its 32-month term from January 2006 to September 2008.[1]
We invite 250 word proposals for contributions to a new volume to follow The Harper Record.
This book will examine the federal Conservative government from its autumn 2008 election as a minority government through the spring 2011 election when it was returned with a majority, and continuing through the autumn of 2014. We seek submissions analyzing: i) specific economic, social and environmental policies (intergovernmental, national or transnational), their impact on the economy, social relations and on diverse sectors of Canadian society, other societies and on the biosphere; ii) changes in inter-governmental relations, including with First Nations, provincial governments, local governments and the inter-state system iii) Conservative government’s relationship with organized civil society, including the business class and transnational capital, NGOs and social movements, and; iv) changes in political practices during the Harper years and their impact on political institutions, public discourse and democracy.
This volume will be edited by Teresa Healy and Stuart Trew. We will confirm the publisher and publishing details in the next few weeks but anticipate an on-line, interactive text.
· Deadline for proposals: July 1st, 2014
· Submissions due: October 31st, 2014
· Publication date: Spring 2015
· Chapter length: 3-5,000 words
· Case studies/Vignettes/Narratives: 500-1,500 words or digital content
· Clear language format for a diverse audience
· Methodological diversity welcomed
Please submit proposals to both editors:
Teresa Healy Stuart Trew
SIT Graduate Institute Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
Brattleboro, Vermont Ottawa, ON
[1] By the autumn of 2011, when the CCPA stopped counting, The Harper Record had been downloaded in its entirety 19,576 times and individual chapters had been downloaded over 60,000 times.
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