Working Abroad

Working Abroad

With the ease of travel increasing and the development of new technologies, a global business perspective continues to become more valuable. The world is your oyster when it comes to career opportunities and it does not need to wait until after graduation. If you are not in a Co-op program, this is an incredible way to gain relevant work experience to add to your resume. For those who are in Co-op, the Co-op Office is open to verifying work experiences in other countries.

Continue reading to see how you can get there with Goodman.

Exchange + Work Term

An easy way to gain international experience is to go on an exchange. Many of our partner Universities provide exchange students with access to their Career Services and job boards. It is the responsibility of the student to secure a position and not the partner school. You do not need to be in the Co-op program to capitalize on this opportunity.

Finding an internship abroad requires effort from the student in networking, applying and attaining the necessary Visa requirements but the experience is well worth the effort. Visa and work requirement information is generally provided on the country’s website s.

One of our partner schools, Pforzheim University, has a program specifically for students looking to take an academic term abroad immediately followed by a work term.

Highered Talent

As a Goodman student, you have access to a new resource for finding international job postings for English speakers. PepsiCo, DuPont, Daimler, Nike and many other reputable companies have postings available for you to explore.

Login at to get started.

In addition to these resources provided by Goodman, you have the freedom to discover international placements through your own research and connections.

For questions about studying abroad and partner schools that provide assistance in finding placements, contact the Goodman International Programs Office through the portal or stop by GSB 475R during drop in hours from Tuesday – Thursday from 2-4:00 p.m. For questions about finding a placement on your own Goodman Career Services is available to help. Finally, for co-op specific inquiries, the Co-op Office is the appropriate point of contact.

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