The MPH practicum requires students to apply the knowledge and skills they develop in the classroom to a specific health project in collaboration with a health sector organization. Our practicums offer advanced public health experiential training through research and professional projects with community supervisors.
The goal of the Master of Public Health (MPH) program is to provide students the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills in public health that will launch them into professional careers and/or doctoral studies. The MPH practicum often involves grant writing, promoting new or existing health programs, collecting, and analyzing health data, developing public policy, evaluating proposed legislation and/or reporting on public health issues involving all levels of government. As part of the minimum 420-hour practicum, students are required to prepare a project plan, knowledge and skills development mind map, reflective journal, and major research program manuscript from their practicum to present to both their health sector supervisor and MPH Graduate Program Director. We recognize the value of experiential learning, whether through public health paid internships or volunteer placements. Regardless of the terms, health practicums afford our students valuable learning experiences and the opportunity to collaborate with health professionals in their chosen field. Students report that their practicum helped them decide if they were in the right career and many practicum hosts have offered employment opportunities to our students. Students can begin their practicum at any point during the Winter term (January to April) and complete before the end of the third term (mid-August). MPH course content are aligned to strategically support students in preparing for, and in experiencing, a health practicum that meets their specific career interests with the health sector organization of their choice.
The combination of course content and public health practicum provide a continually active learning experience. MPH graduates are ready and willing to meet challenges head on with knowledge, ideas, skills, and public health experience. They are enthusiastic to seize opportunities to contribute to facilitating people of all ages to live longer and fuller lives, to create safer communities, to balance social inequalities that impact well-being, to be part of a force of professionals who will have influence on the practice of public health in the 21st century. Learn more about the nation-wide and international practicum opportunities that our students experience here.