12th Annual Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference
Virtual with synchronous interaction
June 18-19, 2021
PSLLT 2021 is just a few days away. If you have registered but not yet received your virtual event invitation, please email [email protected]
For live technical support during the conference, click here!
Plenary speaker
Marnie Reed (Boston University): Presenting a teacher’s view of pronunciation research
Conference themes
Despite a generic Call for Proposals, the accepted presentations include identifiable themes: Teacher cognition, learner cognition, social dimensions, interaction, research methods and theory
The 2021 Virtual Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching (PSLLT) Conference will be held online using the Pheedloop platform (details to follow).
This year’s conference attracted a record number of submissions for presentations, by seasoned participants as well as international L2 pronunciation colleagues who are not normally able to attend a PSLLT conference in person. In addition to our Plenary Speaker, presentations will include:
70+ Oral Presentations
60+ Poster Presentations
30+ Teaching Tips
Click here for Registration Information
Other questions?
Katarina Hiebert, Conference Planning Assistant
[email protected]
Watch an interview with pronunciation scholar Tracey Derwing to find out more about the PSLLT experience, and to learn some PSLLT lore.
Watch this interview with PSLLT’s founding father John Levis for insight into how it came about, and why it is so critical to the field.
Watch this interview with Veronika Thir for a description of PSLLT from a graduate student perspective. Congratulations Dr. Thir on recently obtaining your PhD!