News and events

  • Talk by Dr. Myra Hird on Waste

    Dr. Myra Hird (Queen’s University) will be giving a talk on “Waste: a Tale of Two Problems” on March 21st, 2022, 11:00-12:00 ET. This talk is jointly hosted by the Environmental Sustainability Research Centre, the Sustainability, Science and Society program (SSAS) and the Posthumanism Research Institute (PRI) and will be live-streamed here.

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  • Decentering the Nature-Culture Divide in Diplomacy

    The North American Cultural Diplomacy Initiative (NACDI) invites you to attend our virtual panel, Decentering the Nature-Culture Divide in Diplomacy, which carries forward the issues and debates that foregrounded our 2021 summit, Players: We Are All Practitioners. Hosted by NACDI in partnership with the Posthumanism Research Institute, our virtual event will be held on 16 February 2022 at 2:00 – 3:30 pm (ET), 1:00-2:30 pm (CT), and 11 am-12:30 am (PT).

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  • Roundtable on Posthumanism, Cinema, Memory

    We are happy to co-host this round-table event with a special guest presentation by Dr. Anna Amza Reading. The event takes place on Monday February 28, 2022, 11:00-14:00 EDT.

    What does it mean to approach memory from a critical posthumanist perspective?Read more

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  • Explorations in Empirical Posthumanisms (New Date!)

    This diverse group of speakers apply a posthumanist lens to pressing social and environmental issues. The presentations include discussions of the entanglement of racialization, affect, and the body, and multispeciesrelationships in both Toronto and internationally.

    When: Thursday, December 9, Ontario Time: 3-4:30 PM 

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  • New play i/O by partner theatre company Post Humains on stage Nov 16 – Dec 4

    Thanks to a SSHRC Partnership Engage grant, the PRI has collaborated with the Montreal theatre company Post Humains for the research-creation that led to the elaboration of their play i/O. The play is presented at the Centre du Théâtre d’Aujourd’hui, salle Michelle-Rossignol, from November 16 to December 4, 2021, in Montreal. For an interview with the playwright and director of the company, Dominique Leclerc, see here.

    Categories: Events

  • Save the date: Upcoming talk with Dr Emily Jones on November 17, 2021

    Please join the Posthumanism Research Insititute for a talk by Dr Emily Jones entitled Posthuman International Law and the Rights of Nature which will be held on Wednesday, November 17, 2021, from 10:00-11:30 am EST (via video conferencing).

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    Categories: Events

  • Public talk by Rick Dolphijn – October 7, 2021

    Rick Dolphijn (Utrecht) will give a presentation related to his most recent book on October 7, 2021. The talk takes place 10:00-11:30 (EDT) on Zoom. Please see link below to log on or contact Mitch Goldsmith (

    “The Wounds that Matter” 

    In my recently published monograph, The Philosophy of Matter; a meditation, one of the key concepts is ‘the wound’. Much inspired by literature and the arts, this talk aims to explore woundedness in different ways; how wounds bring us together? How are we “born to embody” our wounds, as Joë Bousquet would say it? And what is pain teaching us about the non-fascist life?

    Dr. Rick Dolphijn is an Associate Professor at Media and Culture Studies, Utrecht University, and a Honorary Professor at the University of Hong Kong (2017-2023). He published widely on new materialism, posthumanism and affect theory. His monograph The Philosophy of Matter: a meditation was published with Bloomsbury Academic in August 2021.


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    Categories: Events

  • 20th Anniversary of Atanarjuat – “Posthumanism: Philosophy Cinema Media” inaugural event

    The first of a series of events in the “Posthumanism: Philosophy Cinema Media” series takes place on October 6, 2021. This event celebrates the 20th anniversary of Zacharias Kunuk’s Atanarjuat. Kunuk and team members will take part in the round-table also featured a panel of international scholars. Registration here or by scanning the QR code on the poster.

    Posthumanism: Cinema Philosophy Media: A Roundtable Series

    Announcing the Inaugural Event:

    ‘Running Time’: Atanarjuat 20th Anniversary Roundtable and Celebration

     Oct. 06, 2021, 6:00-9:00 pm EST (via Zoom)

    Twenty years ago this fall saw the release of Atanarjuat, The Fast Runner: “an exciting action thriller set in ancient Igloolik, the film unfolds as a life-threatening struggle of love, jealousy, murder and revenge between powerful natural and supernatural characters” (IsumaTV). The first-ever feature fiction film in Inuktitut, written, directed, produced, and performed by an Inuit cast and crew, Atanarjuat went on to win six Genie awards, including Best Picture and the Camera d’or for best first feature film at the 2001 Cannes International Film Festival, among many other awards. In 2015 it was voted the best Canadian film of all time.

    Well before contemporary debates around identity politics, cultural appropriation, and equity, diversity, and inclusivity, Atanarjuat set the terms of the discussion while laying out a vision for the future of Indigenous peoples in Canada and around the world—a vision of self-determination, however, that has yet to be fulfilled. The past twenty years has seen Atanarjuat’s significance manifest in several different ways: as a story the film continues to resonate all over the world with Indigenous and non-Indigenous audiences alike; as cultural object the film stands as one of the most significant achievements of Indigenous self-representation; as a film Atanarjuat represents a great work of art cinema.

    This roundtable brings together key members of the original team behind the film—writer-director Zacharias Kunuk and Lucy Tulugarjuk (Puja)—with an international panel of scholars: Erich Fox Tree (Associate Professor, Religion and Culture, WLU); Jenny Kerber (Associate Professor, English and Film Studies); Pauline Clague (Associate Professor, Manager of Cultural Resilience Hub, Jumbunna Institute for Indigenous Education & Research, University of Technology, Sydney); Simone Bignall (Senior Researcher in the Jumbunna Research Hub for Indigenous Nations and Collaborative Futures, University of Technology, Sydney).

    For more information contact: Russell Kilbourn >

    Zoom registration link:

    The organizers wish to thank SSHRC, the Posthumanism Research Institute, the WLU Student’s Union, the Faculty of Arts, and the Department of English and Film Studies for supporting this event.

    Categories: Events

  • First issue out! Interconnections. Journal of Posthumanism/Interconnexions. Revue de posthumanisme

    We are proud to announce the publication of the inaugural issue of our journal. You can read it here.

    Categories: Events

  • Deleuze and Cosmology Series // Série Deleuze et la Cosmologie | March 31, 2021

    You are cordially invited to the fourth and final presentation/discussion group of the 2021 Deleuze and Cosmology Series. This final installment entitled “Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari’s Chaosmological Thinking” will be presented by Dr. Alain Beaulieu from the Department of Philosophy at Laurentian University. You are welcome to join us and to invite any and all students or colleagues that you think would be interested.

    When: Wednesday March 31, 2021 at 4 p.m. EST


    See poster for more information or visit our website @

    Categories: Events