With 15 participants and one keynote speaker, the inaugural workshop of the Posthumanism Research Network was a success. Despite the manifestation of hyperobject “global warming” in the form of an historic ice storm, we gathered, discussed, debated, and questioned the posthuman in its various manifestations. Thank you to all participants and stay tuned for information on next year’s workshop which will take place at our partner institution, Wilfrid Laurier University.

Participants and co-organizers of the April 2018 PRN workshop: David H. Fleming, Caitlin Heppner, Olga Cielemecka, Anders Bergstrom, Terrance H. McDonald, Martin Boucher, Lukas Brasiskis, Christine Daigle, William Brown, Mickey Vallee, Russell Kilbourn, Alain Beaulieu, Karen Houle, Anna Mirzayan, Marie-Josée Beaulieu, Nandita Biswas-Mellamphy