Media releases

  • Brock Pow Wow aims to bring community together

    MEDIA RELEASE: January 12 2024 – R0003

    Singing, dancing, drumming and a chance to gather will be at the heart of a Pow Wow set to welcome hundreds of people to Brock University’s main campus next week.

    Hosted by Brock’s Hadiya’dagénhahs First Nations, Métis and Inuit Student Centre, along with the Office of the Vice-Provost, Indigenous Engagement, the free public gathering, which is open to everyone, will take place Friday, Jan. 19 from noon to 6 p.m. in the University’s Ian Beddis Gymnasium.

    Pow Wows are an Indigenous celebration where people of all nations gather to socialize, sing and dance together. Beginning with a grand entry that welcomes Elders, veterans, dignitaries and dancers in traditional regalia, Pow Wows also include songs to pray and honour ancestors, communities and veterans in attendance.

    After the grand entry at noon, Brock’s event will feature the presentation of an Eagle Staff — a sacred symbol that represents traditional Indigenous culture — as well as traditional dances and songs led by the Master of Ceremonies, who will guide everyone through the event while clearly communicating how to respectfully participate and when it is appropriate to take photos.

    Volunteers, wearing bright pink shirts, will be on site to answer any questions.

    Guests are reminded to not touch the drums, regalia and feathers that dancers and some participants may be wearing. Certain dances will be exclusive to specific songs, and the Master of Ceremonies will make clear when everyone is invited to participate in dances and other activities.

    Hadiya’dagénhahs Event Co-ordinator Willow Shawanoo-Kechego said the Pow Wow is a community-driven way to connect with and discover Indigenous cultures and ways of knowing.

    “To stand with us, and put action into participating, shows people that our culture and identity matter,” she says. “Pow Wow is a welcoming space, and we hope all participants will learn and dance with us.”

    Among those who will be taking part is Head Dancer Kendra Jessie Rosychuk (BSM ’21), a Brock alumna, social media content creator, fitness instructor and wellness advocate, who will be taking part in her Fancy Shawl Dance style.

    Shawanoo-Kechego says having Rosychuk, who has more than 100,000 followers on her Kendra Jessie social media channels, involved in the event will be inspirational for students, community members and alumni.

    “Kendra has given Indigenous people representation in spaces that we previously weren’t involved in,” she said, referencing Rosychuk’s work with organizations including Nike, the Toronto Raptors and Tim Hortons. “My daughter and everyone in attendance can see themselves and dream of new possibilities thanks to Kendra’s groundbreaking work.”

    Next Friday’s event will also include a vendor fair of Indigenous entrepreneurs and a Social hosted by Niagara College, also in Brock’s Ian Beddis Gymnasium, from 7 to 9 p.m.

    With participants from as far as Oklahoma, South Dakota and Nunavut among the hundreds of people expected to pack the gym for the event, Shawanoo-Kechego emphasized that everyone is welcome to attend.

    “It’s like bringing someone into my home away from home,” she says. “So much of this day has been made possible through the efforts of our Indigenous students, alumni and allies from around the University, and our Pow Wow will be an incredible opportunity to gather together with them while meeting and sharing with new friends.”

    For more information about the Pow Wow, contact or visit the Hadiya’dagénhahs’ Facebook and Instagram pages.

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:

    * Doug Hunt, Communications and Media Relations Specialist, Brock University or 905-941-6209

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    Categories: Media releases

  • Industry leaders to share grape and wine expertise at CCOVI Lecture Series

    MEDIA RELEASE: January 10 2024 – R0002

    Invasive species, consumer behaviour and wine’s connection to health will be among the topics explored as Brock University’s Cool Climate Oenology and Viticulture Institute (CCOVI) Lecture Series returns for 2024.

    Beginning Wednesday, Jan. 17, the public lecture series, held both in person and online, provides individuals on campus and around the world with the opportunity to harness the University’s industry-leading grape and wine research.

    Antonia Mantonakis will open the 2024 series with her research into consumer psychology and behavioural motivators. The Brock Professor of Marketing and Consumer Psychology will explore the role of signatures on wine bottles, and how bottles with a signature can drive or hamper sales and impact perceived value. Beneficial to inquisitive consumers, savvy marketers and manufacturers alike, Mantonakis’ work has been featured on television and across the globe.

    The CCOVI lectures span a wide range of topics, including exploring cover crops, the invasive lanternfly, how the LCBO navigates changing consumer demands, understanding cold hardiness in Ontario after a decade of monitoring, laboratory trials of entomopathogens as a biocontrol treatment, wine and health, and the importance of clean grapevines for Canadian markets.

    “For our 17th instalment of the lecture series, we are pleased to have 12 researchers, scientists, fellows and professional affiliates sharing their expertise with those attending in person and online from around the world,” said CCOVI Director Debbie Inglis. “Knowledge transfer through outreach opportunities is an important part of CCOVI’s mandate. We strive to share this knowledge and empower individuals to help advance the grape and wine industry.”

    The free lectures take place weekly on Wednesdays at 2 p.m. beginning Jan. 17 in room H313 of the Mackenzie Chown Complex at Brock University. Paid parking is available in the nearby Lot E.

    The lectures can also be viewed live online, with the recordings archived on the CCOVI Lecture Series website.

    2024 CCOVI Lecture Series

    • Jan. 17: Antonia Mantonakis, Professor of Marketing, Goodman School of Business, Brock University — The Psychology Behind How You and Your Consumer Choose.
    • Jan. 24: Gary Pickering, Professor of Biological Sciences and Psychology, Brock University — Targeting Red, White or Green? Consumer Perceptions and Engagement with Sustainable Wines in Canada.
    • Jan. 31: Liette Vasseur, Professor of Biological Sciences, UNESCO Chair in Community Sustainability, Brock University — Cover Crops: Commercial, Native or Exotic, or Not At All? This Remains a Question.
    • Feb. 7: Wendy McFadden-Smith, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs — Spot the Lanternfly.
    • Feb. 14: Kevin Ker, CCOVI Research Associate, Brock University, — The Nova Scotia Grape and Wine Industry: After the Polar Vortex February 2023.
    • Feb. 28: Ron Jackson, CCOVI Researcher — Wine and Health: A Reasoned View.
    • March 6: George van der Merwe, Associate Professor of Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Guelph — Characterizing and Developing Yeasts for the Fermentation Industry.
    • March 13: Sudarsana Poojari, CCOVI Principal Scientist, Grapevine Virology — The Importance of Clean Plant Program for Grapevines.
    • March 20: George Soleas, President and Chief Executive Officer of the LCBO — Uncorking Success: The Business of Wine in Ontario.
    • March 27: Malkie Spodek, CCOVI Scientist in Entomology, Brock University — Laboratory Trials of Entomopathogens as a Biocontrol Treatment for Grape Mealybug.
    • April 3: Jennifer Kelly, CCOVI Scientist in Oenology, Brock University — 100% Ontario: Consumer Liking, Interest, and Willingness to Pay for Vidal and Marquette Table Wines.
    • April 10: Jim Willwerth, Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences, Brock University CCOVI Researcher — Understanding Vitis Vinifera Cold Hardiness in Ontario After a Decade.

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:

    * Doug Hunt, Communications and Media Relations Specialist, Brock University or 905-941-6209

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    Categories: Media releases