Media releases

  • Brock opens its doors for Open House

    MEDIA RELEASE: 29 March 2017 – R00066
    Brock University is welcoming thousands of potential students and their families this Sunday, April 2, for Open House.

    It’s one of the biggest days in the recruiting calendar and the entire Brock community pitches in to make a positive impression leading up to the June 1 acceptance deadline for Ontario secondary school students.
    “The energy on campus will be hard to match,” said Beth Natale, Director, Recruitment for Brock University. “We’ve sent out thousands of admissions offers and Open House is often the time when applicants and their families make their final decision.”

    Natale said the focus this year will be on giving Open House visitors the chance to experience first hand the vast array of academic programs and rich student experiences Brock has to offer.

    While the central hub for Open House is an information fair featuring representatives from academic programs and student services, there will also be tours of residences, labs, athletic facilities and the Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts, as well as information sessions and creative ways to see how experiential education is a key part of learning at Brock.

    “One of our biggest strengths here at Brock is our sense of community. Our faculty, staff and students will all be here to give visitors a warm welcome and a sense of belonging,” she said.
    Current students are an important part of the day, leading tours, lab demonstrations and giving presentations. 

    “Students prefer to hear from other students what their time at Brock will really be about. Having our own students on hand to share their energy and Brock stories is a big piece of the puzzle,” Natale said. “We know from experience that students would rather hear from other students what their time at Brock will be about.”
    While Ontario’s secondary school students have until June 1 to make their final decision on which school to attend, other students may apply throughout the spring and summer and are considered for admission on an ongoing basis. For students considering transferring to Brock, admissions staff will be on-site Sunday and can help get them admitted immediately.

    What: Open House at Brock University
    Where: Registration at Walker Complex
    When: Sunday, April 2, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
    More: Online registration and a full schedule of the day’s events can be found at

    Brock’s Open House is open to the media. Beth Natale, Director, Recruitment and Retention; Geraldine Jones, Registrar; and Matthew Melnyk, Senior Recruitment Officer, will all be available for interviews.

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:
    * Dan Dakin, Media Relations Officer, Brock University, 905-688-5550 x5353 or 905-347-1970

    Brock University Marketing and Communications has a full-service studio where we can provide high definition video and broadcast-quality audio.

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    Categories: Media releases

  • Brock launches the Marilyn Rose Lecture

    MEDIA RELEASE: 28 March 2017 – R00065

    Marilyn Rose, the founding Dean of Brock’s Faculty of Graduate Studies who passed away in 2015, was a beloved colleague to many people, and now her memory will live on through an annual lecture created in her honour.

    The inaugural lecture named for the distinguished English professor takes place this Thursday, March 30 at 2 p.m. in Sankey Chamber, given by award-winning Nisga’a poet Jordan Abel. The event is free and open to everyone.

    “The lecture marks the beginning of a new venture, honouring Dr. Rose and all of her work by building a community around her various academic interests,” says event organizer Professor Gregory Betts.

    The annual lecture will be run by the Centre for Canadian Studies and the Department of English, with some collaboration with the Department of Communication, Popular Culture and Film. Themes will change each year but will reflect Rose’s own passions, which included detective fiction, national and literary iconography, modern and contemporary poetry and Canadian short fiction.

    “These were her principal areas of interest,” says Betts. “This range affords us a great deal of freedom to cover an enormous range of topics, including creative writing.”

    Thursday’s lecture will include a poetry reading by Abel, who is currently studying for a PhD at Simon Fraser University, where he focuses on digital humanities and indigenous poetics. He has published three books and had his poetry published in numerous magazines and journals across Canada. His most recent collection of poetry, Injun, examines racism and the representation of indigenous people.

    Also at the event, Kevin White, Brock-Fulbright Research Chair in Transnational Studies, will give a lecture on Iroquois cosmological narratives, titled “Crossing Borders and Boundaries: Real, Imagined, and Ancient.”

    White’s paper explores questions and ways of thinking about borders and boundaries.

    “Sometimes these borders are geographic features that are mutually agreed upon spaces of existence. Other times these boundaries become lines on paper that are fraught with historical, political and cultural complexities and complications,” White says. “Then there are times where we frame these pathways as actually between worlds — such as with Haudenosaunee Creation.”

    “It seems appropriate to start the series off with a talk on Iroquois cosmology narratives, as the foundational cultural form of the region,” says Betts.

    Marilyn Rose was a popular professor in the Department of English and served as the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies from 2004 to 2012.  She was a distinguished educator, author and administrator.

    “Marilyn was vital to the development of programs like Canadian Studies, as well the development of Graduate Studies at Brock,” says Professor Ann Howey, Chair of the Department of English. “She was a highly regarded teacher and a researcher with an amazing breadth of expertise.”

    Rose’s contribution to the Brock community went well beyond academics.

    “What was most impressive about Marilyn, though, was the ethics of care with which she approached everything: administration, teaching, research, participation in a community of scholars,” adds Howey.

    “It made her an important mentor to many here at Brock, and she is still deeply missed.”

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:
    * Dan Dakin, Media Relations Officer, Brock University, 905-688-5550 x5353 or 905-347-1970

    Brock University Marketing and Communications has a full-service studio where we can provide high definition video and broadcast-quality audio.

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    Categories: Media releases