Media releases

  • CCOVI hosts world’s largest tasting of Canadian sparkling wine

    MEDIA RELEASE: 30 November 2018 – R00213

    More than 130 bottles of sparkling wine from four provinces were popped at Brock University’s Cool Climate Oenology and Viticulture Institute (CCOVI) this week, in the world’s largest tasting of Canadian sparkling wine.

    Tom Stevenson, regarded as one of the world’s leading sparkling wine experts, travelled to Brock from the United Kingdom to taste sparkling wines from Ontario, Quebec, B.C. and Nova Scotia.

    “I am really pleased because there are a lot of really good sparkling wines here,” said Stevenson. “After the first flight I found a few potential gold and silver wines.”

    Stevenson has been tasting top sparkling wines blind in the Champagne and Sparkling Wine World Championships (CSWWC), which he founded and is the head judge for. He said Canada is a strong contender and hopes some of the producers he earmarked will be encouraged to participate in the global competition.

    “It would increase the profile of Canadian sparkling wine. We haven’t typically had many entries from Canada in the past to really see what these producers have available from a competition perspective,” Stevenson said.

    Over a number of hours, he tasted the wines alongside wine writer and judge Treve Ring, who said the top wines stood out in the tasting room when it came to balance, complexity and depth.

    “I think the top wineries in Canada are making sparkling wines that can easily stand shoulder to shoulder with some of the top wineries around the world,” Ring said. “It was fantastic to see such diversity of wines and styles, everything from ancient method through to traditional method sparkling wine that has been aged for years.”

    The tasting was organized and hosted by CCOVI Senior Scientist Belinda Kemp. Her lab, dubbed ‘The Bubble Lab,’ is recognized for its leading sparkling wine research and outreach work, helping grape growers and winemakers produce quality sparkling wines through initiatives such as Fizz Club — a networking group for Canadian sparkling winemakers.

    “I’m so pleased we were able to showcase wines from so many wineries, especially with our annual Fizz Club taking place next week,” said Kemp. “It is quite incredible to watch the progress of Canadian sparkling wines as we raise awareness of production techniques and tackle challenges with CCOVI research. This is just the beginning for Canadian sparkling wine.”

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:

    * Britt Dixon, Communications Officer, Cool Climate Oenology and Viticulture Institute, Brock University, 905-688-5550 x4471

    * Dan Dakin, Manager Communications and Media Relations, Brock University, 905-688-5550 x5353 or 905-347-1970

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    Categories: Media releases

  • Brock Homestay program connects hosts with international students

    MEDIA RELEASE: 29 November 2018 – R00212

    When Lara Lorge’s two sons moved out, the extra room in her home left a void.

    At first, the quiet space was a welcome change for Lorge, an Outreach Worker with Niagara Public Health, but she soon realized she needed more in her life.

    When a longtime friend mentioned fond memories of interacting with students from around the world as part of a Brock University Homestay program, Lorge discovered what was missing.

    Her decision was also timely. Brock has experienced a record level of international student enrolment over the past year, creating a need for more student accommodation.

    In October, Lorge was paired with Yuki Sato, from Kobe, Japan and Yiming Yuan from Nanchang, China, both currently studying Level 3 English as a Second Language (ESL) classes at Brock.

    A longstanding program at the institution, Homestay connects Canadian families with incoming international ESL students as they adapt to the lifestyle and demands of being a student in Canada.

    Lorge, who will host Sato and Yuan for 14 weeks, already appreciates the positive influence the students have had on her life.

    “It’s been good to have the energy here,” she said. “We find a lot of humour in trying to understand each other through the language barrier.

    A typical day involves the students making their own breakfast before catching the bus to and from school. ESL students attend five hours of English classes daily to increase their language proficiency.

    When they return home, Sato and Yuan have dinner with Lorge and pack lunches for the next day. They often spend the evening talking and learning more about each other.

    “It’s been a good experience,” said Yuan. “Lara always spends time talking with me, and we have lots of fun living together.”

    Even though their time in her home has been brief, Lorge has learned a great deal about her guests’ culture, enjoying trips to the market together to make dishes that would make them feel at home.

    “At first we had difficulties communicating with each other, but as we learned to understand each other, it has been more enjoyable,” said Sato.

    Lorge has also noticed a significant improvement in the students’ English, as well as their comfort level living thousands of kilometres away from home.

    Participating in the Homestay program is a great way for Canadian families to learn about other cultures and give back to the community. Host families are compensated with $800 per month to cover the additional cost of food and electricity throughout the student’s stay.

    “I wish I had the room when my sons were younger to open their world view and expose them to new things,” said Lorge.

    Residents living in the St. Catharines and Thorold area who are interested in learning more about the Homestay program are invited to an information session at the Brock University International Centre on Thursday, Jan. 17 from 4:30 to 6 p.m. in the Global Commons.

    To apply, residents must complete an online application. Questions can be sent to, or phone 905-688-5550 x5029.

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:

    * Dan Dakin, Manager Communications and Media Relations, Brock University, 905-688-5550 x5353 or 905-347-1970

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    Categories: Media releases