Media releases

  • Brock prof explores how musicians use humour to reach fans

    MEDIA RELEASE: 23 July 2019 – R00118

    Brock University — Communications & Public Affairs

    From the musical stylings of “Weird Al” Yankovic to sarcasm found in John Lennon’s protest songs, humour — both intentional and otherwise — runs deep in popular music.

    In his latest project, Associate Professor Nick Baxter-Moore of Brock’s Department of Communication, Popular Culture and Film (CPCF) looks at the close and recurring relationship between humour and popular music over the past century.

    The recently published Routledge Companion to Popular Music and Humor, co-edited by Baxter-Moore and Thomas M. Kitts of St. John’s University, explores the essential part of human expression and its connection to song.

    “The book is about musicians who use humour to reach audiences, rather than comedians who use music,” Baxter-Moore says. “We weren’t writing about Monty Python’s Lumberjack Song, for example. Our principal interest is how popular musicians use humour for various reasons and in various ways.”

    The 44-chapter book touches on topics such as parody and satire; humour in rock and global music; gender, sexuality and politics; and music mockumentaries.

    While Popular Music and Humor features contributors and perspectives from around the globe, the book represents a significant Canadian presence, including entries from several current and former Brock faculty members.

    Baxter-Moore’s own chapter looks at protest songs and explores how some musicians “used humour or metaphor and analogy and other poetic vehicles as a way of communicating with their audience and telling a particular story.”

    The perception of humour is subjective, Baxter-Moore explains. For him, John Lennon’s humorous protest songs are more appealing than the more commercially successful but “terribly, terribly earnest” Imagine.

    “Some protest songs make you want to laugh, not necessarily because they’re funny in a traditional sense but because they have so much spirit and life in them,” he says.

    Baxter-Moore points to Joni Mitchell’s Big Yellow Taxi as an example. The song “speeds along at such a clip and, although she’s telling a very, very serious story, she seems to find such joy in doing it,” he says. “Then at the end, of course, she bursts out in a peal of laughter.”

    The chapter focused on what he calls the “classic age of protest songs,” but, he says, there are lots of contemporary examples as well, especially within hip hop.

    “Every time there is a large gathering of protesters, whether it’s against Trump or in favour of environmental issues, or about Indigenous issues in Canada, you’re pretty much always going to find people singing songs — some old, some new and some with new words to old tunes.”

    Popular Music and Humor offers something for “all kinds of readers to relate to,” says Baxter-Moore. Chapters look at humour across a range of genres, from metal, reggae and K-pop, to the music of artists such as Chuck Berry, Dolly Parton and “Weird Al” Yankovic.

    “We often think of humour as something that’s mostly verbal,” he says. “But in his chapter on jazz, for example, Garth Alper finds humour purely in the way the music is played and manages to convey that, in his own humorous way, to a wider audience that goes beyond musicologists and jazz fans.”

    Although compiling a book of this scope was challenging, Baxter-Moore admits there were moments of levity. Pulling together the final chapter, “Coda: Unintentional Humor in Popular Music,” was the most fun, he says.

    As lead author, he invited contributors to nominate up to three songs they find unintentionally humorous. Several people mentioned “really sappy songs” like Honey, made famous by singer Bobby Goldsboro, as well as “anything by Star Trek’s William Shatner (Captain Kirk) or Leonard Nimoy (First Officer Spock),” he says. “Those are all really, really bad.”

    But there was some debate, too.

    “At least 10 people sent in MacArthur Park, but then somebody else defended it as a brilliant piece of songwriting,” he says. “I think every reader will find something to which they can relate, or hate, in that chapter.”

    As with one’s sense of humour generally, “finding unintentional humour is something determined by one’s own tastes,” he says.

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:

    * Dan Dakin, Manager Communications and Media Relations, Brock University, 905-688-5550 x5353 or 905-347-1970

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    Categories: Media releases

  • Brock researchers awarded nearly $2 million in SSHRC funding

    MEDIA RELEASE: 22 July 2019 – R00117

    Thanks to the work of Brock University developmental psychologist Angela Evans, we now know that lying in children starts as young as two, and it only gets worse from there.

    Her research has linked this lie-telling to the development of children’s thinking, specifically how children understand their own thoughts and the thoughts of others, and how they co-ordinate several mental activities at once.

    Evans is one of 14 researchers at Brock awarded $1.3 million in Insight and Insight Development Grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). In addition, 18 Brock University students were awarded $670,000 in SSHRC student grants.

    With her Insight Grant, Evans aims to expand on her research into deception at the other end of the lifespan and construct a theoretical model of how honesty develops from childhood to older adulthood. She will explore the nature, context and motivations of older adult lie-telling behaviours, and how changes such as declines in executive functioning affect honesty.

    “Aging is not simply development in reverse,” says Evans, Associate Professor of Psychology, noting that “very little research” has been done on deception in older adulthood.

    “Understanding developmental changes in our moral evaluations of lie-telling and lie-telling behaviours provides new insight into mechanisms influencing moral development, which can help tell us how and why deceptive behaviours change across the lifespan,” she says.

    Preliminary research has shown that older adults are less likely to lie than younger adults, says Evans. She will examine whether this is consistent across different types of lies — such as those told to protect others’ feelings or lies to conceal health issues.

    “Findings from my research can be used to help create programs for older adults around how (dis)honesty might be impacting their social relationships,” says Evans, adding that the research will also help those who work with older adults to better understand what motivates them to be dishonest.

    Brock Vice-President, Research Tim Kenyon says federal government investment is vital for research that makes a difference in society.

    “With this funding from SSHRC, our researchers are conducting leading-edge studies that will give insights into language learning, regional economic re-invention, the prevention of animal cruelty and barriers to climate change mitigation, among other issues in today’s rapidly-changing world,” he says.

    The latest round of Insight Grant recipients includes:

    • Charles Conteh, Faculty of Social Sciences, “Local and regional economic re-invention in an age of industrial restructuring”
    • Kendra Coulter, Faculty of Social Sciences, “An examination of public investment in animal cruelty investigation work”
    • Christine Daigle, Faculty of Humanities, “Rethinking the human: posthuman vulnerability and its ethical potential”
    • Adam Dickinson, Faculty of Humanities, “Metabolic poetics”
    • Veena Dwivedi, Faculty of Social Sciences, “The role of individual differences in motivation and emotion in language comprehension”
    • Angela Evans, Faculty of Social Sciences, “Developmental changes in (dis)honesty: building a lifespan developmental model of deception”
    • Leah Knight, Faculty of Humanities, “Transforming writing and reading women in early modern England: new forms of representation”
    • Trevor Norris, Faculty of Education, “Education, democracy, and the public good: neutrality, freedom of speech, and the teaching of controversial issues in philosophy classrooms”

    Insight Development Grant recipients are:

    • Jessica Blythe, Faculty of Social Sciences, “The role of virtual scenarios in realizing ocean transformations”
    • Raymond Chiu, Goodman School of Business, “Assessing refugee claims on religious grounds: An integration of law, psychology, and religion”
    • Andrew Dickens, Faculty of Social Sciences, “Couch potato or social Butterfly? The impact of television content on social capital”
    • Hijin Park, Faculty of Social Sciences, “International students and violence in Canada: A structural analysis of the experiences of non-white international students in a medium-sized city and university”
    • Gary Pickering, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, “Lifestyle choices and climate change mitigation: an assessment of knowledge and other barriers amongst youth”
    • Sabrina Thai, Faculty of Social Sciences, “Implicit bias in the wild: Building smartphone tools to explore implicit bias in daily life”

    SSHRC’s Insight Grants program provides funding for three to five years for research that accomplishes a number of goals, including building knowledge and understanding, supporting new approaches to research and providing training experiences for students.

    The Insight Development Grants program support research in its initial stages, enabling the development of new research questions and experimentation with new methods, theoretical approaches and/or ideas.

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:

    * Dan Dakin, Manager Communications and Media Relations, Brock University, 905-688-5550 x5353 or 905-347-1970

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    Categories: Media releases