Media releases

  • Young people resist adopting key actions to mitigate climate change, says Brock research

    MEDIA RELEASE: 29 July 2021 – R0082

    Although young Canadians are taking steps to address climate change, they don’t plan on adopting the three lifestyle changes that are most effective in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, says new research from Brock University.

    In a cross-Canada survey of 17- and 18-year-olds, many youth identified recycling, using public transport and conserving energy in the home as actions they had adopted to mitigate climate change.

    But they were less open to eating a reduced amount of red meat, purchasing an electric car, or having one fewer child or no children, says the study, “Lifestyle decisions and climate mitigation: current action and behavioural intent of youth.”

    “Eighty per cent of youth say they recycle, but recycling is 300 times less effective at reducing greenhouse gas emissions than having one less child, and youth are very resistant to that,” says Brock Professor of Biological Sciences and Psychology Gary Pickering, the study’s lead author.

    In their study, Pickering, along with recent Brock graduate Kaylee Schoen and Marta Botta, an Adjunct Research Fellow at the Sustainability Research Centre, University of the Sunshine Coast in Australia, asked participants questions about their climate change beliefs and knowledge, how in control they felt about taking action, whether or not they believe their actions have an impact, their religious background and beliefs, political affiliation, diet, and basic demographics such as age and gender.

    Participants were then presented with nine actions and asked to indicate which ones they are currently practising.

    The actions vary in how much they can reduce greenhouse gas emissions. They are, from most to least impactful: having one fewer child/no children; no car or first/next car will be electric; eating less red meat; taking public transport; conserving energy in the home; vacationing locally; recycling; conserving water; and avoiding excessive packaging.

    The second part of the study sought to predict participants’ willingness to adopt these climate change mitigation measures.

    The researchers used modelling to pinpoint where participants were at in the stages leading up to action and to identify a range of factors used to predict intentions for future behaviours.

    Key findings include:

    • Seventeen-year-olds are more likely than 18-year-olds to be performing at least four of the nine actions listed in the study, possibly because 18-year-olds may have left the family home and are in the process of creating their own actions and beliefs independent of family influence.
    • An internal environmental locus of control — the belief that one has real agency and can ‘make a difference’ through lifestyle choices — predicted engagement in several mitigation actions.
    • Behaviours and attitudes modelled by parents, teachers, friends and even celebrities were the strongest predictors for whether youth would, or would not, take action to eat less red meat, drive an electric car, or have one less or no children.

    “Social norms have a very strong effect on what youth are doing around climate mitigation and on what they say they are planning to do,” says Pickering.

    He hopes his team’s findings will help transform high school curricula in the area of climate change and the environment.

    “Climate change education in Canadian schools, limited as it is, focuses on environmental science,” he says. “There’s practically nothing in the curricula that addresses the question of what I can do as an individual and how much of a difference each of my actions and inactions make to climate mitigation.”

    The research makes a number of recommendations of how educators and communicators can reach youth with key messaging on climate change and mitigation strategies, and Pickering urges parents to model climate change behaviours for their children.

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:

    * Dan Dakin, Manager Communications and Media Relations, Brock University or 905-347-1970

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    Categories: Media releases

  • Adolescents sought for Brock study on personality and social connection during pandemic

    MEDIA RELEASE: 22 July 2021 – R0081

    A team of Brock researchers wants to learn more about perfectionism and well-being among adolescents, while also exploring the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on school experiences.

    Anyone between the ages of 12 and 18 is invited to participate in the Niagara Adolescent Personality and Social Connection Study, conducted by researchers in Brock’s Developmental Processing in Health and Well-being Lab in the Department of Child and Youth Studies.

    Over the course of four months, participants will complete a series of three online surveys covering a variety of topics including personality, emotions, school experiences and feelings about the COVID-19 pandemic.

    A few participants will also be randomly selected to complete an online interview in addition to the surveys. For each survey completed, participants will receive a $20 Amazon gift card. Those who complete an online interview will also receive a $25 Amazon gift card.

    Associate Professor Danielle Sirianni Molnar says the study has grown out of results from previous research on adolescent youth relationships, social connection and personality that began prior to the global pandemic.

    “The previous study didn’t have rich information on the actual COVID-19 experience because it was designed pre-pandemic, and it also didn’t go in depth on educational issues,” says Molnar. “Based on what we’ve learned from our previous research, we’ve added a lot more on these topics to this new study to get a more nuanced and comprehensive understanding of what’s going on with youth during COVID-19.”

    Professor Dawn Zinga says that although the last study didn’t explicitly ask about mental health, the issue emerged as a strong theme for youth. And because the study continued through key time frames in Ontario’s pandemic restrictions, the team can glean data about youth mental health.

    Zinga and Molnar, along with Sabrina Thai in the Department of Psychology, research associate Tabitha Methot-Jones and master’s student and lab assistant Melissa Blackburn, are now working on a paper based on those results showing how pre-pandemic perfectionism, anxiety and depression changed across the first government lockdown in Ontario and the second.

    “From pre-pandemic to first lockdown, depression actually decreased slightly, but then we saw a steep increase from first lockdown to second lockdown, with changes in perfectionism paralleling the changes in depression,” says Molnar. “Higher levels of socially prescribed perfectionism, which is when you perceive others expecting perfection from you, were associated with greater depression over time.”

    Molnar says this is strong evidence of the links between perfectionism and mental health in adolescents, which has already been shown in older populations.

    “Research is clearly suggesting that youth who are higher in perfectionism are vulnerable to the negative aspects of the pandemic, so we really want to explore how and why,” Molnar says. “The goal is to come up with evidence-based strategies to help these youth, as well as parents and educators, to recognize what’s happening and provide some help.”

    This is all the more significant because other research from the lab shows that nearly half of all youth in multiple studies — 47.8 per cent — self-identified as being perfectionists.

    Zinga says part of a perfectionistic personality is making an effort to seem like the perfect child. She warns that caregivers and teachers need to be vigilant about seeing what is happening, rather than how a young person presents.

    “In our earlier work, participants talked about feeling isolated and actively withdrawing from connections, even within the same household — not connecting with their parents, not telling them things,” says Zinga. “Parents need to watch the behavioural signals underneath, like eating or spending too much time in their room. In the pandemic, you may be sharing more space and time with your children, but your attention may actually be more divided, so it’s important to rely on more than proximity as you assess your child’s well-being.”

    Blackburn says the research team is hoping to recruit up to 500 Ontario youth to participate in the mixed-methods Niagara Adolescent Personality and Social Connection Study, which will form the foundation of her master’s thesis research.

    Anyone between the ages of 12 and 18 who would like to participate needs to have a private email address. Those under the age of 18 also need their parents’ permission to participate, which can be granted via email. Requests to participate and parental permission can be sent to

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:

    * Dan Dakin, Manager Communications and Media Relations, Brock University or 905-347-1970

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    Categories: Media releases