Media releases

  • Conference to focus on graduate student research

    5 April 2016
    Brock University — Communications & Public Affairs

    Want a great workout? Pick the music that makes you dance and you’ll be in it for the long haul.

    Uncomfortable going to the gym because the big mirrors make you self-conscious? Get the right trainer and those reflections won’t bother you at all.

    These are two examples of research Brock University graduate students will be presenting at the annual Mapping the New Knowledges conference Thursday, April 7.

    The day-long event at Brock University features talks and posters from nearly 120 graduate student researchers on a wide array of subjects.

    The day is highlighted by a session starting at 11:25 a.m. where five finalists in the international “Three Minute Thesis” (3MT) competition will clearly explain their research in three minutes or less.

    The winner will represent Brock at the 3MT provincial competition in Waterloo April 14. The winner at that event will then go on to the national competition.

    “This is a unique conference,” says Dean of Graduate Studies Mike Plyley. “Few universities in Canada offer similar opportunities through which graduate students develop their research presentation skills in an enriching environment.

    The student researchers will pose — and answer — fascinating questions in their work:

    •    Does evolution explain how males and females use physical fitness uniquely to their advantage?
    •    Do past bullying behaviours affect “selfie” habits?
    •    How does land use in Niagara affect the region’s water quality?
    •    Is professional sport merely big business or do sports leagues/teams embrace a higher purpose that brings meaningful value to society?
    •    What role do accountants play in tax avoidance?
    •    What determines how much a household will spend on food besides income?

    Brock University has approximately 1,700 graduate students enrolled in 49 graduate programs.

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:
    * Cathy Majtenyi, research communications/media relations specialist,, 905-688-5550 x5789 or 905-321-0566

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    Categories: Media releases