Articles by author: Brock University

  • Brock scholarships offer once-in-a-lifetime opportunities for international students

    MEDIA RELEASE: R00191 – 6 September 2016

    A pair of high school students from Ecuador and Honduras are the first two recipients of the Brock University International Award for Possibilities.

    Alvaro Alejandro (Alex) Granja Jimenez, from Quito, Ecuador, and Eduardo Humberto Retes, from Tegucigalpa, Honduras, will officially be awarded their scholarships at a pro-sports-style signing event at 3 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 8 in Market Hall.

    Launched this year, the International Award for Possibilities covers the four-year international tuition cost worth nearly $90,000 for two high school graduates from around the world.

    The awards are given to high school students from partner schools who have demonstrated a positive contribution to their communities, and show the potential for future contribution with the help of a university education

    For Granja Jimenez, it’s a dream come true.

    “This scholarship is everything for me and my family,” he said. “It means that I did not fail my hard-working mother and didn’t let her down, I didn’t let myself down. It means I get a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to better my studies.”

    Retes said he understands the responsibility that comes with the award.

    “I can say that because of this opportunity Canadian education has given me, I am willing to work so that this opportunity opens up to others, especially those who would otherwise not have a chance to do so,” he said.

    “It’s a privilege to be able to provide this opportunity to people as deserving as Alex and Eduardo and to be part of making their dreams come true,” said Shari Sekel, Interim Director, International Market Development and ESL Services. “This is a milestone for Brock University because they are the first students from Ecuador and Honduras to receive such awards.

    Both young men are also hoping to become student athletes during their time here. Granja Jimenez plans to try out for the Brock Badgers soccer team while Retes wants to try out for the baseball team.

    Both scholarship recipients, along with representatives from Brock’s International Market Development, will be available for interviews at the award event Thursday in Market Hall.

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:

    * Dan Dakin, Media Relations Officer, Brock University, 905-688-5550 x5353 or 905-347-1970

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    Categories: Media releases

  • Examining white privilege important for educators

    MEDIA RELEASE: R00190 – 6 September 2016

    “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela.

    As an educator of future teachers, Brock University Associate Professor Dolana Mogadime finds profound meaning in the words of the late South African anti-apartheid revolutionary.

    In fact, she uses his book, Mandela’s Way: Lessons on life, love and courage, in her classroom at Brock.

    “It helps us to think through our own ways of teaching,” she says.

    An important aspect of her instruction is working to understand differences and how they impact a person’s experience.

    Mogadime is a member of Brock’s Racial Climate Task Force and the program director of the upcoming White Privilege Symposium being held at Brock on Sept. 30-Oct. 1.

    Throughout her career, Mogadime has explored issues of race and, in particular, the lack of representation of Black women in academia.

    This year’s symposium, the first-ever held in Canada, has the theme “Academics & Activists: Advocating for Equity, Justice and Action."

    Mogadime says the conference aims to shed light on white privilege for academics, educators, professionals and community groups concerned about the wellbeing of diverse groups living, working and studying in Niagara and the GTA. She says it’s a chance to network and coalition build around eradicating white supremacy, white privilege and racial oppression.

    She says discussions about white privilege and diversity are important, especially on a university campus.

    “It’s a chance for us to really reimagine ourselves differently than we have been,” she says.

    Eddie Moore, Jr., founder of the international White Privilege Conference, called Brock a “leader” in Canada for recognizing the importance of the subject matter and having the courage to bring together people working across privilege, race and borders.

    “Brock is a leading university across the world that is willing to explore some really difficult issues and go beyond Diversity 101 and really look at diversity, power, privilege and leadership,” he says.

    Moore says the speakers at the symposium aren’t just giving a talk, they will be engaging the participants and challenging them with action items and ideas.

    “It’s so imperative to have educators involved in this discussion because we truly have the ability to impact the future of the world,” he says.

    Mogadime says the symposium at Brock will cover a wide variety of perspectives related to white privilege, hearing from a diverse cross section of people including First Nations, Muslims, women and LGBTQ.

    The topics are not only important for educators, but also for students, she says.

    “If they can see the relevance of this, it will create an openness,” she says. “It’s an understanding we need to have in order to live in society. I really do believe in the notion of change from within.”

    Mogadime penned a report on the symposium and how it will be an educational forum for action and change, which can be found here.

    Anyone interested in attending the conference, or to find out more, can visit

    More information and a full conference schedule can be found in a recent Brock News story here.

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:

    * Dan Dakin, Media Relations Officer, Brock University,
    905-688-5550 x5353 or 905-347-1970

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    Categories: Media releases