Articles by author: Brock University

  • Brock announces new Sexual Violence Response and Education Coordinator

    MEDIA RELEASE: R00210 – 28 September 2016

    Brock University’s new Sexual Violence Response and Education Coordinator, Allison Cadwallader, has been on the job for less than a month but her important work is already well underway.

    Cadwallader comes to Brock with experience in the area of sexual violence prevention and support to survivors of sexual violence through her various roles at the University of Windsor and the Sarnia Sexual Assault Survivors’ Centre. She started her new position at Brock on Sept. 6.

    Cadwallader will provide support to Brock community members who are affected by sexual violence and she will offer education and training on sexual violence prevention and response to members of the Brock University community.

    “Sexual violence is a pervasive issue—and it is not simply confined to the university campus,” Cadwallader says. “In this role, I hope to raise awareness through educational workshops that will provide a better understanding of sexual violence. It’s really about changing the conversation and highlighting sexual violence as everyone’s issue; which also means providing disclosure training and resources for students, staff and faculty.”
    She adds that in the aftermath of an assault, “it is common for victims and survivors to experience anxiety and depression. Add to that the additional stressors of university life such as being away from home and dealing with an intense class load, and you can understand why anyone, let alone survivors, may feel overwhelmed.”

    Cadwallader will join Alana Sharpe in the Human Rights & Equity office.

    “We’re excited to have Allison in this role as support for survivors and to assist in the implementation of the Sexual Violence and Harassment Policy,” Sharpe says. “The Policy will ensure that Brock addresses reports of sexual violence in a survivor-led way so as not to re-victimize survivors.”

    Anna Lathrop, Vice-Provost Teaching, Learning and Student Success and Chair of the Sexual Violence Prevention Committee says the creation of the Sexual Violence Response and Education Coordinator position is directly attributed to the advocacy of students, staff and faculty across the campus. 

    “The addition of this new position is one critical step toward the development of a more robust set of policies and resources designed to support survivors and create an environment where sexual violence is not tolerated,” she says.

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:

    * Dan Dakin, Media Relations Officer, Brock University, 905-688-5550 x5353 or 905-347-1970

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    Categories: Media releases

  • Three-year contract extension for men’s basketball head coach Charles Kissi

    MEDIA RELEASE: R00211 – 29 September 2016

    Looking to build off the momentum created on the hardcourt over the past few seasons, Brock Sports has extended the contract of men’s basketball head coach Charles Kissi.

    Brock Sports Director Neil Lumsden made the announcement Thursday that Kissi has accepted a new three-year term. His role will be expanded beyond coaching the men’s team.

    Kissi has been at the helm of the men’s team since 2013, but his new role will see him become the Manager of Basketball Operations, overseeing the development of all aspects of basketball at Brock.

    “From an educational and a fundraising perspective, it’s the sharing of information to develop the game at Brock. We’re on a great trajectory and we want to continue that,” said Lumsden.

    He said Badgers basketball took a big step forward in 2015-16 hosting games at the Meridian Centre in downtown St. Catharines and getting national attention for the men’s and women’s results and the growing fan base.

    “All those things tie in to being able to recruit at a higher level,” Lumsden said. “It’s not just about winning games, it’s not just about playing at the Meridian Centre, and it’s not just about us recruiting young student athletes. It’s all these things combined with great coaching to deliver an outstanding student experience.”

    Kissi said he’s looking forward to the new role.

    “From the program standpoint, I will try to continue to add value to ensure that basketball grows and represents the University well. Every aspect has been elevated year after year. I’m grateful that there are people who recognize the change and want to be part of that,” Kissi said. “I’m looking forward to another historic year for both men’s and women’s basketball.”

    Kissi was named the 2015-16 Brock Badgers Coach of the Year after a thrilling season that saw the men’s team finish off with a 27-11 overall record including wins over nationally ranked McMaster, Windsor and Ryerson. Three players were OUA All-Star selections and one, Dani Elgadi, was a CIS All-Canadian.

    Elgadi is back on the team for the 2016-17 season along with fellow starters Johneil Simpson, Tyler Brown and Ryan Bennett.

    The Badgers men’s team plays exhibition games against Niagara College in Welland Wednesday, Oct. 5 and at home against St. Francis Xavier Thursday, Oct. 6 before heading to Montreal to play in the Concordia tournament on Thanksgiving weekend.

    The first regular season Ontario University Athletics game is at home Nov. 12 against the Toronto Varsity Blues.

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:

    * Dan Dakin, Media Relations Officer, Brock University, 905-688-5550 x5353 or 905-347-1970

    * Shawn Whitely, Sports Information, Brock University, 905-688-5550 x4506


    Categories: Media releases