Articles by author: Brock University

  • Goodman School of Business honours business leader Martine Irman

    MEDIA RELEASE: R00220 – 18 October 2016

    The Goodman School of Business has selected an outstanding leader in the Canadian investment industry as its 2016 Distinguished Leader.

    The business school honours prominent Canadian business leaders each year and connects the recipients with current Brock University students through the annual Distinguished Leader Lecture Series.

    This year’s recipient, Martine Irman, Vice Chair, TD Securities and Senior Vice President, TD Bank Group is passionate about giving back to her community.

    A graduate of Western University, she has also completed The Wharton Business School Advanced Management Executive Program and the Rotman School of Management Institute of Corporate Directors and holds an ICD.D certification.

    Irman’s integrity and leadership in the advancement of women both within TD and in the capital markets is inspiring. She co-chairs TD Securities’ Women in Leadership Business Committee and was a founding member of TD’s Expanding Leadership Opportunities for Women Committee, on which she has played a critical role for more than a decade. In the investment community, Irman is a member of the Women in Capital Markets Advisory Council.

    Irman is a true champion of diversity, a tremendous mentor to both men and women in the capital markets and strongly represents TD’s inclusive culture.
    In 2003, her leadership and excellence was recognized by Canada’s Top 40 Under 40 and honoured by Women in Capital Markets with an award for leadership in 2013.

    Known in the investment community as a fervent and committed supporter of community engagement, Irman currently serves YMCA of Greater Toronto as Vice Chair of the Board of Directors and Women Gaining Ground for United Way Toronto as Co-Founder and inaugural Co-Chair.

    On Wednesday, Oct. 26, Irman will spend a day on the Brock University campus speaking with an exclusive audience of Goodman student leaders and will deliver the annual Distinguished Leader Lecture to students, faculty and members of the Brock community at 9:30 a.m. in Pond Inlet. Goodman students can register for this event by visiting CareerZone.

    Past recipients of the award include Rossana Magnotta of Magnotta Winery, Len Pennachetti of Cave Spring Cellars, Ned Goodman of Dundee Corporation, Donald Ziraldo of Ziraldo Estate Winery, Galen Weston of Loblaw Companies Limited, Michael McCain of Maple Leaf Foods, John McCall MacBain of McCall MacBain Foundation and Paul House, formerly of Tim Hortons.

    NOTE: Media are invited to Martine Irman’s Distinguished Leader Lecture being held at Pond Inlet Wednesday, Oct. 26 at 9:30 a.m.

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:

    * Dan Dakin, Media Relations Officer, Brock University, 905-688-5550 x5353 or 905-347-1970

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