Articles by author: Brock University

  • Earth Day: Brock experts emphasize the importance of getting outside

    EXPERT ADVISORY: 19 April 2017 – R00081

    From school playgrounds to parks to hockey in the streets, there are plenty of ways for kids to get outside, but the pull of technology often keeps them indoors.

    Earth Day 2017 will be held Saturday, April 22, and the focus in Canada this year is EarthPLAY, a program designed to bring outdoor, unstructured play back into children’s lives.

    Earth Day Canada says around 70 per cent of all Canadian children spend less than an hour a day outside, and their EarthPLAY initiative is both a fundraiser to build more outdoor adventure playgrounds, and an awareness campaign to get more young people outside.

    Brock University has two experts available to comment on Earth Day 2017 and the idea of getting more children playing outside.

    Debra Harwood is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education who leads a research team examining the experiences of children and educators in an outdoor learning and teaching environment.

    Launched last year, the Forest School, run through the Rosalind Blauer Centre for Child Care, is a program for junior kindergarten-aged children that immerses them in nature. They learn the basics of phonics, math, science and art while taking trips through the forests around Brock, and by learning in an outdoor classroom on campus.

    Harwood says it’s “fundamentally important” for kids to be spending time in nature.

    “In Niagara we have an ideal context for kids to be outside. It’s absolutely beautiful here and we have an abundance of nature,” she says. “The outdoors provokes their interest. It sets the foundations for formalized learning later in life.”

    Harwood says the Forest School program is one small step to counter-balance the pressure society puts on children that leads to them spending so much time inside.

    “I think we’ve organized children’s lives a bit too much and that’s kind of the idea of making the outdoors a bit more available,” she says. “If we look at children at this young age, they’re in formal learning settings for six or eight hours a day and that’s a long time to be closed off from nature.”

    Ryan Plummer is a professor at Brock and Director of the University’s Environmental Sustainability Research Centre (ESRC).

    “Going outside and cultivating a personal connection with the environment is an enriching opportunity, and offers a chance to enhance environmental consciousness,” says Plummer.

    “We need to be mindful of our relationship with the environment every day; and Earth Day serves as a powerful and widespread reminder of this crucial connection.”

    Based at Brock University, the ESRC pursues innovative and transdisciplinary research concerning the environment, sustainability and social-ecological resilience.

    Harwood and Plummer are both available for interviews leading up to Earth Day 2017.

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:
    * Dan Dakin, Media Relations Officer, Brock University, 905-688-5550 x5353 or 905-347-1970

    Brock University Marketing and Communications has a full-service studio where we can provide high definition video and broadcast-quality audio.

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    Categories: Media releases

  • Keeping the faith: ‘Evangelists’ are good for the wine industry

    MEDIA RELEASE: 17 April 2017  – R00080

    With sales of local wines steadily rising, and domestic vintages crowding the lists at more and more fine restaurants, Ontario is getting a legitimate rep as a world-class wine destination. But this rising pedigree may be due to more than just quality and value.

    Research out of Brock University’s Cool Climate Oenology and Viticulture Institute (CCOVI) strongly supports the notion that passionate “evangelists” play an important role in raising awareness and popularity of Ontario wines — which now control 31 per cent of the LCBO’s wine market share.

    Expanding on their 2016 paper, “Evangelism and the amazing spread of quality reputation of Ontario winemaking,” professors Maxim Voronov and Wesley Helms, from Brock’s Goodman School of Business, helped lead a study examining years of institutional change in Ontario’s wine industry, the steady improvement to the reputation of domestic wines and the development of a critical mass of support for the industry.

    “Domestically, we’ve seen a lot more acceptance and enthusiasm for Ontario wine and internationally, there’s been a great deal more recognition of Ontario wines’ high quality,” said Voronov, who is a fellow of CCOVI.

    “If you measured the acceptance of Ontario wines by the number of restaurants that have VQA wine lists, the number has jumped dramatically since 11 years ago when I first came (to Canada from the United States).”

    Their article, “Emotions Uncorked: Inspiring Evangelism for the Emerging Practice of Cool-Climate Winemaking in Ontario,” is published in the April edition of the Academy of Management Journal, and was co-written by Felipe G. Massa, from Loyola University in New Orleans, and Liang Wang, of the University of San Francisco.

    One focus of their research was the ritualistic behaviours that drive people to voluntarily spread the gospel, if you will, about local wines and wineries.

    “The key seems to be the creation of people who aren’t simply content to buy a bottle of wine and leave it at that,” Voronov explained. “They are not simply buyers or supporters, they really have this almost religious fervour that is going to drive them to advocate on behalf of Ontario wine, and they use whatever opportunity they can to convert their friends and family members.”

    Preachers in the consumer space are not a new construct. In relentlessly progressive Silicon Valley, tech companies like Apple create actual “evangelist” roles within their organizations, people whose job is to be visible and vocal in imploring the appeal of a product or brand.

    What is less understood, Voronov argues, is how people develop into these passionate ambassadors in the first place – something they explored in-depth in their study.

    In the wine industry, he says this occurs through three specific rituals:
    •    Provenance-themed: Sharing the story of the wine; where it came from, who made it?
    •    Hedonic-themed: The enjoyment and pleasure of wine consumption and the social interaction associated with consuming it.
    •    Glory-themed: Emphasizing the praise, distinctions and honours that the wine or winery has garnered.

    People most likely to be driven by these rituals are those who connect with them emotionally, such as foodies or locavores.

    While the idea of cultivating evangelists is applicable to the marketing of products, Voronov stresses that there’s more to the picture.

    “These rituals are about building authentic relationships with audiences, not just consumers. What we want to think here is not just about how to get this person to buy one or two bottles of wine — we want them to become part of the movement, and advocate on behalf of the winery and the industry.”

    He also pointed out that these findings aren’t restricted to the wine industry, either, and that the creation of these “evangelists” can be beneficial to many different organizations.

    Download full study

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:

    * Dan Dakin, Media Relations Officer, Brock University, 905-688-5550 x5353 or 905-347-1970

    Brock University Marketing and Communications has a full-service studio where we can provide high definition video and broadcast-quality audio.

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    Categories: Media releases