Articles by author: Brock University

  • Brock University’s credit rating remains A High

    MEDIA RELEASE: 16 February 2018 – R00032

    Brock University has earned itself a credit rating of A High for the second year in a row.

    The Dominion Bond Rating Service (DBRS) reconfirmed the University’s credit rating of A High and placed its financial position in the Stable category on Feb. 1. Brock was upgraded from A to A High last year by DBRS, and maintaining that position is great news. However, there’s still more work ahead to shape a sustainable long-term fiscal strategy, said Josh Tonnos, Brock’s Associate Vice-President, Financial Services.

    “This report reflects the fact that the University continues to work toward sustainable cost growths in an environment where we have limited flexibility to grow many of our revenues,” said Tonnos.

    Of the eight Canadian comprehensive universities rated by DBRS, only one has a higher rating than Brock. Two others have the same A High rating, two have A ratings and two have A Low ratings.

    In its rating report, DBRS noted four strengths of Brock University:

    • Stable revenue base
    • Moderately low debt burden
    • Industry-leading financial reporting and transparency
    • Relatively low post-employment obligations

    Four challenges facing Brock identified by DBRS include:

    • Limited ability to grow revenue
    • Salary and benefit pressures
    • Competition for students and demographic headwinds
    • Low level of expendable resources

    In response to these challenges, Brian Hutchings, Vice-President, Administration said Brock is continuing to exercise sound financial planning through its Fiscal Framework, which is a foundation for long-term sustainability.

    “Awareness and comprehension of the University’s financial position improves each year through regular and transparent consultation. There is a growing sense of optimism at Brock with the University Community coming together to discuss and tackle our challenges collectively,” Hutchings said.

    The Fiscal Framework update for 2018-19 aims to chart a path toward sustainability without the need to rely on enrolment growth. It also sets guidance for salary and benefit costs, and if achieved, will take some pressure off the need for enrolment growth and facilitate investments to enhance the academic and research mission of the University.

    “DBRS was supportive of the Fiscal Framework and cited the document as a tool to strengthen Brock’s financial sustainability in its report,” Tonnos said.

    Brock has also focused on improving student retention rates and continues to set aside funding in the budget for employee future benefits, debt repayment and capital replacement.

    “The Financial Planning and Investment Committee is very pleased with the DBRS Rating that Brock has been able to achieve through strong fiscal management,” said Committee Chair Dennis Hewko. “This rating confirms that Brock is going in the right direction and continuing to take steps to address the long-term sustainability of the University.”

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:

    * Dan Dakin, Media Relations Officer, Brock University, 905-688-5550 x5353 or 905-347-1970

    Brock University Marketing and Communications has a full-service studio where we can provide high definition video and broadcast-quality audio.

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    Categories: Media releases

  • Brock student among 18 in Canada selected for CEO shadowing program

    MEDIA RELEASE: 14 February 2018 – R00031

    Olivia Poulin’s dream of becoming a CEO is much closer than she thought.

    The fourth-year business student from Brock University’s Goodman School of Business is one of 18 students selected from across Canada for a unique job shadowing program that matches top university students with CEOs of leading companies.

    The CEOx1Day program, led by search consultancy firm Odgers Berndtson, matched Poulin with Paypal Canada CEO Paul Parisi.

    The pair will spend the day together on Tuesday, March 6 at PayPal Canada’s office in Toronto.

    Jacqueline Foley, Odgers Berndtson’s Chief Marketing Officer, said the program was designed to uncover Canada’s future leaders.

    “We wanted students to understand what it means to be a leader today and to get a sense of the business from an operational side,” she said, adding that the day will be filled with learning and mentorship opportunities.

    “Students have the opportunity to observe what makes a great leader, how business decisions are made and how CEOs surround themselves with good people. They also get actual insight into the business, as the CEOs will often share their vision and plans for the business throughout the day.”

    The selection process was a rigorous one, comprised of a psychometric test, phone interview and a half-day office visit where students navigated one-on-one speed interviews and group dynamic exercises.

    Foley said multiple factors are taken into account before the final 18 students are selected.

    “We look for well-rounded students who have ambition and who have done more than just academics in their university careers,” she said. “Through the psychometric testing, we look for things like resilience, ambition, sociability, curiosity, group leadership, teamwork — things we know are key characteristics important for today’s leaders.”

    The program and has created 88 matches in Canada and more than 1,000 around the world.

    Poulin, a Niagara Falls native, said the Goodman School of Business has helped to prepare her for this opportunity.

    “I got involved at Goodman at the beginning of my first year, and I feel like all the experiences I’ve had in the last four years have led me here,” she said.

    Poulin has participated in several student clubs, the Monster Pitch entrepreneurial competition, case competitions and the Brock Leadership Citizenship Society. She is also the founder of Pupadise Inc., a local in-home personalized pet-care service that works with more than 300 customers in Niagara.

    “I’m constantly subjecting myself to criticism and ways to improve,” she said. “From competitions and presentations to class projects and mock interviews, Goodman has prepped me all along the way for this day.”

    She said she is most looking forward to learning about Parisi’s leadership style.

    “I’m interested to find out what experiences he had that led him to his position as CEO, what is it about his thinking or approach that makes him stand out and how he uses that to make business decisions,” she said.

    The rigorous selection process shows Goodman students are prepared for a competitive work environment, says Goodman Dean Andrew Gaudes.

    “Olivia being selected as one of the 18 students across Canada is an extremely great honour, both for her and for the Goodman School of Business, and it once again demonstrates that our students understand content and are prepared to pivot and think critically, even in challenging environments,” he said.

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:

    * Dan Dakin, Media Relations Officer, Brock University, 905-688-5550 x5353 or 905-347-1970

    Brock University Marketing and Communications has a full-service studio where we can provide high definition video and broadcast-quality audio.

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    Categories: Media releases