Articles by author: Brock University

  • Expert Advisory: Prof available to discuss SCOC interprovincial beer ruling

    MEDIA RELEASE: 23 April 2018 – R00085

    Brock University Professor Dan Malleck is a leading researcher on the history of government control over liquor sales in Canada. (He is the author of Try to Control Yourself: The regulation of public drinking in post-prohibition Ontario, 1927-1944.)

    He is available to comment to the media on the context of last week’s Supreme Court of Canada decision to uphold a fine against a man who bought beer in Quebec then took it back to his New Brunswick home.

    In deciding there is no constitutional guarantee of interprovincial free trade, Malleck says the SCOC ruling is consistent with most legal decisions regarding the authority of provinces over alcohol sales, and adds, “this same sentiment is likely at the heart of the decision by the federal government to give the provinces the right to manage the sale of cannabis as they see fit.”

    “In many ways, the issue of liquor sales and licensing was a fundamental factor in shaping the federal state. The contentious issue in this trial was whether it was proper for a Lower court to rule that the 1867 Constitution requirement that goods move freely across provincial borders meant any restriction on movement of goods was unconstitutional. That decision was based upon one historian’s interpretation of the act.

    “However … any constitutional historian who looks at the rulings in the first half century after Confederation could tell you, the intention of the framers of the Constitution was not maintained by the courts. Over several decades the ideal of a strong central government was replaced with an emphasis upon a federal system where provinces had increased authority to make laws in the interest of their populations.”

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:

    * Dan Dakin, Media Relations Officer, Brock University, 905-688-5550 x5353 or 905-347-1970

    Brock University Marketing and Communications has a full-service studio where we can provide high definition video and broadcast-quality audio.

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    Categories: Media releases

  • Environmental stewardship is the priority as Niagara Parks and Brock University sign new MOU

    MEDIA RELEASE: 20 April 2018 – R00084

    A new Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) promoting closer cooperation between The Niagara Parks Commission and Brock University was signed today by Niagara Parks Chair, Janice Thomson and Brock’s Interim Provost and Vice-President Academic, Tom Dunk.

    Niagara Parks and Brock have a history of collaboration that goes back decades. This new MOU is designed to enhance the stewardship and conservation practices of both organizations, while providing tangible results and educational/research opportunities for Brock students and faculty through their work with Niagara Parks and its staff.

    The MOU proposes creating an Excellence in Environmental Stewardship Initiative (EESI) that uses the expertise and resources of both organizations to increase environmental stewardship for the public, through open events, and for students through co-operative education, course projects and research. For instance, staff and researchers can study public perceptions of the natural environment in a setting like the Niagara Glen, which attracts 130,000 visitors a year, to better understand which stewardship activities work best and which can be improved upon.

    The agreement also promotes the pursuit of mutually beneficial opportunities such as grant proposals and community forums, as well as joint efforts to promote environmental stewardship not only within Niagara Parks and Brock, but by developing local, national and international networks to share and promote these efforts.

    “With the recent launch of our new 10-year strategic plan, which places a major emphasis on our environmental stewardship responsibilities, the timing of this new collaborative agreement with Brock University is ideal,” stated Niagara Parks Chair Janice Thomson. “This partnership reflects Niagara Parks’ steadfast commitment to the environment and we look forward to continuing to work closely with Brock University and its team at the Environmental Sustainability Research Centre in further advancing and promoting our shared goals.”

    Professor Ryan Plummer, Director of Brock’s Environmental Sustainability Research Centre, said the MOU will advance the understanding and practice of environmental stewardship.

    “Our partnership with the NPC in the Excellence in Environmental Stewardship Initiative addresses this two-fold challenge and does so in an iconic landscape,” said Plummer. “Meaningful impacts for the environment and for people will be realized from this initiative through innovative research, hands-on experience and state-of-the-art practices. Engaging Brock faculty and students directly with staff from the NPC is sustainability science in action.”    

    About Brock University‘s Environmental Sustainability Research Centre (ESRC)

    Brock University’s ESRC advances environmental sustainability locally and globally through excellence in research and education. The ESRC encourages research excellence in environmental sustainability by faculty, librarians and students; enables enriching educational experiences in environmental sustainability; and, engages in knowledge mobilization and fosters knowledge impacts about the environment. The ESRC is a research centre within the Faculty of Social Sciences as well as one of five transdisciplinary hubs at Brock University. 

    News media, for more information contact:

    Maryanne Firth, Brock University Communications  (905) 688-5550 ext. 4420

    About Niagara Parks

    Since its establishment in 1885, Niagara Parks has remained a self-financed agency of the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture & Sport, entrusted to preserve and protect the land surrounding Niagara Falls and the Niagara River. Today, Niagara Parks boasts gardens, a horticulture school, recreation, golf courses, restaurants, heritage and historic sites, gift shops and, of course, Niagara Falls. In short, natural landscapes, history, family fun, hiking, culinary delights, attractions and adventure. 

    For more information, please visit or contact:

    Tony Baldinelli, Senior Manager, Communications and Stakeholder Relations            (905) 356-2241 ext. 2206

    Categories: Media releases