Articles by author: Brock University

  • Emergency exercise planned for Brock campus Wednesday

    MEDIA RELEASE: 25 June 2018 – R00132

    Members of the Niagara Regional Police Emergency Tactical Unit (ETU) will be on Brock’s main campus for a planned emergency exercise on Wednesday, June 27.

    The joint training operation will run from 8:30 a.m. to noon, and include the presence of ETU vehicles and officers in tactical gear.

    Signage will be set up in strategic locations across campus to notify passersby that the exercise is underway.

    “We run an emergency exercise every year. Some are more involved than others, but we always partner with local emergency services,” said Rick Fraser, Brock’s Manager, Emergency Management and Life Safety.

    Details of the scenario being run on Wednesday are not being released in order to maintain the integrity of the training exercise.

    “All exercises are based on emergencies that could potentially happen on campus,” Fraser said. “We try to look at scenarios that are topical, relevant and could, but rarely ever do, happen on campus. That’s why we need to practise our response and test our emergency management plan.”

    The involved ETU officers will be practising a certain aspect of their own response protocols Wednesday while Brock simultaneously holds its own exercise.

    “Towards the end, they will merge together and become one exercise,” Fraser said.

    Campus Security Services will remain in constant contact with the officers while they are on campus.

    While the training is happening, the University will also test its emergency notification system on electronic scrolling screens found on campus. The messaging will clearly indicate a test is underway.

    Anyone with questions or concerns regarding the exercise is asked to contact Campus Security Services at 905-688-5550 x3200.

    Categories: Media releases

  • Another German university joins Brock’s popular dual degree business program

    MEDIA RELEASE: 25 June 2018 – R00131

    A fourth European institution is joining the dual degree program that has become an international success story for Brock University’s Goodman School of Business.

    The Goodman School has established a partnership with Reutlingen University’s ESB Business School in Germany for its Bachelor of Business Administration Co-op International Dual Degree program.

    Reutlingen, a public university near Stuttgart, joins Germany’s EBS Business School in the program, along with NEOMA Business School in France and Ireland’s DCU Business School.

    Brock is the only Canadian university to offer such a program, which offers undergraduate students the chance to study and work abroad, earning degrees from two universities for the price of tuition at Brock.

    Business Dean Andrew Gaudes said the dual degree initiative is one of Goodman’s most sought-after programs, with up to 400 applications each year for about 50 vacancies.

    “This partnership extends our strengths and differentiates Goodman from other business schools by offering a dual degree that provides students a work opportunity in another country,” said Gaudes. “It really is an incredible opportunity for students and we’re thrilled to be able to offer it.”

    Students starting the dual degree program in September will be the first cohort to choose Reutlingen as their preferred international university and will attend in their third year of study.

    Those who select Reutlingen will first prepare for the experience at Brock.

    Reutlingen is in a region of Germany touted as Europe’s leading location for innovation and technology. World-famous companies, including Bosch, Porsche, Daimler and Stihl, have their headquarters there.

    Students in the Reutlingen track will experience and understand the study and work culture of one of the largest economies in the world while the international management degree they earn there will provide them with access to tuition-free master’s programs in Germany.

    By the time they graduate, students should also be able to navigate the German language, making them attractive to multinational corporations in North America and Europe.

    “Reutlingen is well situated because it has fantastic industrial connections, so it will provide really great work opportunities for our students,” said Meredith Heaney, Goodman’s manager of international exchanges and partnerships.

    Though the agreement was just signed with Reutlingen, it was years in the making.

    Reutlingen is one of Goodman’s 46 partner universities for regular exchanges. It’s currently in the process of receiving accreditation from the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) and approached Goodman about a dual degree partnership.

    “That’s one thing that’s really important for us. We require our partners to have the same level of accreditation as us,” Heaney said.

    The dual degree program fosters a greater connection to the global community, Gaudes noted. “It helps Goodman students understand people with whom we interact and trade around the world while the students from partner universities studying at Brock enrich our communities here at home.”

    Studying and working abroad also gets students out of their comfort zones, even when doing everyday activities, like grocery shopping or negotiating cell phone contracts. That builds resilience and independence, preparing them for the challenges they’ll face in their careers, he said.

    “Once they navigate one or two of these life experiences, they start building confidence. ‘I can do this. I’m agile and able to navigate these things,’” Gaudes said. “We really do prepare graduates to hit the ground running and feel confident when they enter into their next chapter in life.”

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:

    * Dan Dakin, Media Relations Officer, Brock University, 905-688-5550 x5353 or 905-347-1970

    Brock University Marketing and Communications has a full-service studio where we can provide high definition video and broadcast-quality audio.

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    Categories: Media releases