Articles by author: Brock University

  • Early research results show impacts of pandemic on children and youth

    MEDIA RELEASE: 14 May 2020 – R0086

    Two girls passing notes to each other through their shared backyard fence. A boy breathing a sigh of relief for not having to face unpleasant classmates at school.

    These are some of the stories being captured in Brock University research on the experiences of children and youth during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    When she started her study at the end of March, Professor of Child and Youth Studies Rebecca Raby was concerned — and curious — about how young people are coping with the pandemic.

    “Clearly, there are children who are in a lot of distress out there,” she said. “But I suspect we’re also going to hear stories about really cool, compelling things that kids have started to initiate at home with parents, siblings, on their own or online.”

    She and her six-member student team have been conducting bi-weekly, online interviews with 25 children and youth from ages eight to 16 from a wide range of backgrounds and living arrangements. In between the structured, formalized interviews are informal check-ins via text or other messaging.

    The research team is compiling some interesting stories.

    One of the six children Brock PhD student Laurel Donison has been surveying is an eight-year-old girl whose friend, also eight, lives next door. Not having access to social media or a smartphone, the two were playing in their respective yards when they figured out a way to communicate despite the tall fence that separated them.

    “The girl showed me during our video call the hole she made in the fence between her yard and the yard beside her so that she and the other girl were able to pass each other notes, draw each other pictures and talk through the fence this way,” says Donison.

    Raby says that although it’s difficult to generalize the diverse experiences of children and youth while sheltering at home, some broad trends are starting to emerge.

    These include activities such as building, cooking, baking, writing, making art, videos and fake fingernails, sewing, gardening and playing instruments.

    “What I found most surprising is the significance of the arts in helping the young people to cope,” says Raby.

    Also notable to Raby was the number of children and youth who have reported having difficulties with online learning, specifically when they need to ask questions about things they don’t understand. Children with learning disabilities, English as a second language or for those whose parents are working during the day and are thus unable to answer questions find it especially challenging.

    Not so unexpected is that children and youth are missing face-to-face interaction with friends and peers.

    “Clearly, a really important component to their lives is hanging out with friends,” says Raby. “Many have expressed sadness about not being able to hang out together.”

    An overwhelming majority also miss being at school, although one 13-year-old boy reported feeling relieved that he didn’t have to face his peers, who he felt ignored him.

    Raby says most children and youth seem to know “a lot about what is going on,” mostly through news reports and school lessons, likely adding to the worries they widely expressed about their parents and grandparents getting sick and stress over people not physical distancing.

    Other common patterns among the child and youth research participants include:

    • An appreciation for how schoolwork and other tasks provide structure to the day and, at the same time, enjoying the ability to schedule their own time and order of tasks.
    • Challenges with self-motivation, especially if schoolwork isn’t interesting or if there are too many distractions online and in their surrounding environment.
    • Girls seem more likely to be doing chores than boys, especially in terms of taking care of younger siblings or helping them with homework.
    • Frequent connection with friends and other activity online; a relaxing of family rules about online time and overall less regulation of online activities.

    The research team’s interviews will proceed for another few months and then the team will more deeply analyze the data collected from the interviews.

    Professor of Child and Youth Studies Rebecca Raby is available for phone and video interviews on the research.


    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews: 

    * Dan Dakin, Manager Communications and Media Relations, Brock University or 905-347-1970

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    Categories: Media releases

  • Goodman Group launches free business webinar series

    MEDIA RELEASE: 13 May 2020 – R0085

    Augmented reality in marketing, the ethics of exploiting loopholes and managing through the unimaginable are topics that will be discussed as part of a free live webinar series for the Niagara business community kicking off today, Wednesday, May 13.

    Launched by Brock University’s Goodman School of Business, the Business Breathers series will take place online Wednesdays at 11 a.m. and will feature 30 minutes of live industry and faculty expert-led discussions, followed by a 15-minute question-and-answer period.

    Goodman Group, the Goodman School’s community-focused learning and development services provider, created the initiative to support its clients and community partners.

    “In this era of uncertainly, Business Breathers are an opportunity for entrepreneurs, leaders and others to take a break, catch their breath and take part in insightful discussion on timely topics that are relevant to their business and everyday lives,” said Abdul Rahimi, Director of Goodman Group.

    Although the webinars are intended for the local business community, everyone is welcome to participate. Interested participants are asked to register online. A confirmation email will provide a link to access the webinar on the Lifesize video conferencing platform at the date and time it is planned.


    Wednesday, May 13

    Brave new worlds: How augmented reality transforms marketing
    Led by Professor of Marketing, International Business and Strategy Joachim Scholz

    “Augmented reality (AR) is a relatively new channel for marketers, but there is a growing sense of urgency,” said Scholz. “More consumers are expecting AR experiences, so in my opinion, time is almost up to experiment with this technology. We’re leaving the phase where it’s okay to just play around.”

    It’s often confused with virtual reality (VR), and although there are similarities between the two, Scholz says AR has more practical uses and benefits for businesses and consumers.

    “AR augments the user’s physical environment with a digital component,” he said. “You might use your phone to see what a sofa looks like in your living room, or how a garment fits your body, but everything else you see is in real life. In VR, everything is a virtual environment and all you see is the digital surroundings. VR is used more in gaming and entertainment.”

    AR has also been used to enhance the packaging of products. For example, wine bottles have been designed with labels that are responsive to phone apps. The label comes to life to share a brand story, or other unique digital experience. 


    Wednesday, May 20

    The ethics of exploiting loopholes

    Led by Professor of Organizational Behaviour, Human Resources Management, Ethics and Entrepreneurship Paul Dunn

    Dunn says that as governments act quickly to introduce new programs in response to the COVID-19 crisis, omissions and ambiguity in the regulations creates loopholes for people and businesses to exploit.

    “A lot of this legislation is being created to help the needy — people who have been laid off or small businesses struggling to survive — but those who don’t need the support are applying, even though they know they’re not actually eligible. By looking for loopholes, some may be adhering to the letter of the law, while simultaneously violating its spirit,” he said.

    “Even though an action is not specifically mentioned as prohibited, it does not mean it is ethically acceptable. We must all take the moral high ground and act, not out of pursuing personal benefit, but rather for the common good.”


    Wednesday, May 27

    Managing through the unimaginable: Leadership and business sustainability in times of COVID-19

    Led by Goodman School of Business Dean Andrew Gaudes

    “It’s unimaginable to think the world would go into hibernation because of global disease,” Gaudes said. “In times like this, our foundational assumptions can be completely shaken. Without a strong foundation, we must focus on our core purpose.”

    Gaudes offered the example of the University continuing to provide professional and personal fulfilment for students despite the limitations to offer face-to-face classes.

    “If the University’s core purpose was to teach students in a physical classroom, we’d have to permanently shut our doors,” he said. “Instead, we are using the resources and supports available to us, and within our control, to continue with our mission.”


    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews: 

    * Dan Dakin, Manager Communications and Media Relations, Brock University or 905-347-1970

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    Categories: Media releases