Articles by author: Brock University

  • Pro athlete strikes show complexities between sport and labour movement

    MEDIA RELEASE: 31 August 2020 – R0130 

    Last week’s strike action by professional athletes to protest police violence and anti-Black racism yielded decisive results, with the National Basketball Association (NBA) quickly announcing an agreement to open facilities as voting centres for the American election in November.

    Simon Black, a Brock University an expert on labour movements in sport, says that in the past, “Black athletes and their allies have withdrawn their labour to protest injustice, but never on this scale with this impact.”

    “What we saw last week was an unprecedented strike wave for racial justice across professional sports,” says Black, Assistant Professor in the Department of Labour Studies. “Sport will continue to be a site of resistance to racism and social injustice, and students in ‘Labour of Sport’ will engage with both the history of athlete activism and this new wave of protest, in some cases by virtually meeting athlete activists taking a stand in their sport.”

    Students in Black’s Labour of Sport course this fall will have the opportunity to hear from sporting and labour experts from Canada, the U.S. and Venezuela who are able to visit the class virtually, thanks to its new online format.

    The guests are an impressive assembly of athletes and activists who advocate for labour protections in sport including:

    • Khamica Bingham, a Canadian Olympian and 100-metre national women’s champion who has spoken on the issue of anti-Black racism in sport and her experiences as a Black female athlete.
    • Leslie Smith, a mixed martial artist (MMA) and President of Project Spearhead, the nascent MMA fighters’ union known for taking on the most powerful MMA promotion company in the world, the Ultimate Fighting Championship.
    • Arturo J. Marcano Guevera, a lawyer and author who has written extensively on Major League Baseball’s negative impacts in Latin America, including the book Stealing Lives: The Globalization of Baseball and the Tragic Story of Alexis Quiroz, which is one of the course texts.

    Black is excited to welcome the guests, who will help students gain perspective on the complex relationships between sport and labour — complexities that Black can personally relate to, as someone whose aspirations of a career in professional soccer helped lead him to his current role as an academic.

    After winning the U19 national championship with his Oakville team, he was invited to try out for Watford Football Club before eventually playing NCAA Division 1 soccer at the State University of New York (SUNY) Buffalo.

    “At UB, I got involved in the anti-sweatshop and global justice movements,” says Black. “When I wasn’t playing soccer or studying for my undergrad degree in Sociology, I would be at protests like the big demonstration against the IMF and World Bank in Washington, D.C. in 2000. Sport, workers’ rights and social justice have always intersected in my life.”

    The Labour of Sport class invites students to take a critical approach to sport as work and elite athletes as workers.

    “Students examine the lives of working athletes, both professional and amateur, and how athletes make a living from their sport and how they experience their work,” Black says. “We explore everything from health and safety and the perils of injury, to the relationship between sport-governing bodies/teams/leagues/promoters and athlete-workers, to how various forms of oppression, such as racism, sexism and homophobia, shape athletes’ experiences of their work.”

    The Department of Labour Studies aims to offer what Black describes as “a range of practical, unique and thought-provoking courses, some of which are unique in the world.”

    But the Labour of Sport course seems especially timely this term.

    “We haven’t seen this kind of disruption to the worldwide sporting calendar since World War II,” Black says. “Athletes’ unions and player associations have played a crucial role in ensuring that athlete health and safety is a top priority in those leagues that have reopened, but in those sports in which athletes do not have the benefit of unionization and a collective bargaining agreement, where they lack the power of collective voice and action, their livelihoods are in peril — either through cancellations without compensation, lack of government support in the case of Olympic athletes, or being forced to play in unsafe and unhealthy conditions.”

    Simon Black, Assistant Professor in the Department of Labour Studies, is available for interviews.

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:

    * Michelle Pressé, Brock University Communications,, 905-688-5550 x4420 or 905-246-1963 

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    Categories: Media releases

  • Brock’s CCOVI uncorks novel partnership to aid local pandemic efforts

    MEDIA RELEASE: 26 August 2020 – R0129  

    Brock University’s Cool Climate Oenology and Viticulture Institute (CCOVI) is contributing to Niagara’s pandemic efforts thanks to a new partnership with Dillon’s Small Batch Distillers.

    CCOVI donated nearly 5,000 litres of wine to the Beamsville-based distiller, which will be transformed into approximately 1,000 bottles of hand sanitizer for the local community.

    Debbie Inglis, Director of CCOVI, says collaborating with Dillon’s on this initiative is a win-win.

    “When guests visit the institute’s wine cellar, they often ask us what we do with our research wine once the projects have ended,” Inglis explains. “Thanks to this partnership, we can tell them the wine is being given a second life, as well as keeping our community safe and healthy in the process.”

    Every year, the institute must discard the wine from completed staff and student research projects to make room in the cellar for new bottles. That research wine is purged and safely disposed of through a waste management program. When Inglis learned Dillon’s could use wine to aid in its hand sanitizer production efforts, she reached out to see how CCOVI could help.

    “Dillon’s has been a client of CCOVI’s Analytical Services since 2012, so we had that pre-existing relationship already,” says Inglis. “We got in touch with them and were able to come up with a partnership that met both of our needs while also giving back during this challenging time.”

    The distillery began donating small bottles of hand sanitizer to frontline workers at the onset of the pandemic. Demand for the product skyrocketed, which meant the distillery required a larger supply of base alcohol to keep up.

    Distiller Louis Hinshelwood, who has also been working on the hand sanitizer project, says donations like the one from CCOVI ensure the company has what it needs to produce a safe, quality product.

    “When people found out we were making hand sanitizer, the response was overwhelming and it was really endearing to see the community come together,” he says. “The relationship that we have with Brock is amazing, and it’s great to see a university step up and provide us with the wine we need to continue making hand sanitizer — because every little bit helps.”

    Hinshelwood says they make their hand sanitizer in much the same way as they distill their premium spirits. In this case, CCOVI’s donated wine enters a still and is heated to the boiling point, where it begins to release alcohol vapour. It is then run through a series of distillations that separate out the pure ethanol (the medicinal ingredient in hand sanitizer) before a mix of water, hydrogen peroxide and glycerol (to help moisturize your hands) is added to create a Health Canada-approved finished product.

    “It’s nice that it’s literally coming from the hands and work of people in the community who are now benefitting from it,” he says. “To be a part of that process and that feeling of coming together, there’s really nothing like it. It makes me proud to be a Canadian.”

    Distillery owner Geoff Dillon feels the same, saying that “it has been an incredibly moving experience to be able to step up with the support of this great community, and do what we can to help during such difficult times.”

    Inglis agrees.

    “CCOVI is a proud part of the Niagara community and contributing to that community is an important part of our mandate,” she says. “It is wonderful to work collaboratively alongside Dillon’s and our other industry partners on this innovative solution to helping our friends and neighbours in a time of need.”

    Note: Non-branded video interview and b-roll footage from this story is also available for media use. A branded version can be found on YouTube here.

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews: 

    * Dan Dakin, Manager Communications and Media Relations, Brock University or 905-347-1970 

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    Categories: Media releases