Articles by author: Brock University

  • Confronting violence against women starts with what we teach our children: Brock researcher 

    MEDIA RELEASE: 04 December 2020 – R0181

    As Canadians mark Sunday’s anniversary of the 1989 murders of 14 women at Montreal’s École Polytechnique, many will question how, 31 years later, attitudes have changed regarding violence against women.

    Robyn Bourgeois does not like the answer.

    The Associate Professor in Brock University’s Centre for Women’s and Gender Studies laments that rates of violence against women have, at best, remained virtually unchanged.

    “In fact, preliminary details from the anti-violence sector suggest that violence against women is on the rise due to the pandemic,” said Bourgeois, who is also Brock’s Acting Vice-Provost, Indigenous Engagement.

    She points out that this year in Canada, between April 1 and May 15 alone, nine women were murdered in addition to the 13 who died in the Nova Scotia mass shooting, a total of 22 women slain in less than seven weeks.

    “I was 11 years old when the École Polytechnique massacre occurred, and I hoped that by the time I reached my current age of 42 — now 31 years later — we would have made significant strides to end violence against women in Canada. Yet the events of this spring signal that we still have so much work to do.”

    An Indigenous woman who was herself a survivor of multiple forms of violence, Bourgeois is a frequent public speaker on the issue. She calls gender-based violence a deadly pandemic akin to COVID-19, and says Canada needs to do better for all women, especially marginalized women who are more likely to be targeted for violence.

    “For example, statistics suggest that Indigenous women are eight times more likely than non-Indigenous women to be murdered,” Bourgeois said. “We also know that women of colour, immigrant and refugee women, 2SLGTBQQIA (Two Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Trans, Bisexual, Queer, Questioning, Intersex and Asexual) people, poor and working-class women, women with disabilities and/or mental health issues, and those involved in the sex trade are extraordinarily vulnerable to violence.”

    Bourgeois said changing societal attitudes starts in childhood, by teaching new generations to understand that gender-based violence is abhorrent and incommensurate with human values.

    She said anti-violence education is needed not only within schools but also for parents.

    “We need to disrupt cycles of violence within our families by providing people with the non-violent coping strategies. From birth, my own kids have not only been raised without violence, but have also learned to understand things like consent, respecting and honouring differences among peoples, and not using violence as a survival tool in the world.”

    To mark the École Polytechnique anniversary, Brock’s Office of Human Rights and Equity and the Centre for Women’s and Gender Studies organized several events, including a virtual panel discussion, ‘Gender and Sexual Violence in a Pandemic,’ held earlier this week.

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:

    * Maryanne St. Denis, Writer/Web Editor, Brock University Marketing & Communications or 905-246-0256

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    Categories: Media releases

  • Brock-led team awarded $294,000 by SickKids, CIHR to study impact of COVID on youth mental health 

    MEDIA RELEASE: 01 December 2020 – R0180

    Adolescence is a period of substantial psychological and social development that often sets the stage for the rest of a person’s life, says Karen Patte, Assistant Professor of Health Sciences at Brock University.

    But little is known about how lockdowns and related pandemic measures have, and will, impact adolescent health and development.

    To find answers, Patte is heading up a national team of researchers to study the mental health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on youth over time.

    The team was awarded $294,127 from the New Investigator Research Grant Program, a joint initiative supported by SickKids Hospital and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR).

    “The impact of the pandemic on youth mental health is a global concern, especially since many mental illnesses and mental health problems have their onset in adolescence,” says Patte.

    “During adolescence, peer relationships become increasingly important, and youth have faced drastic reductions in face-to-face social interactions with physical distancing measures,” she says. “They’re also not able to participate in many of the behaviours that help regulate emotions and promote healthy development, including various extracurricular activities.”

    Patte and her team are examining how youth are impacted by school closures, school reopening protocols and other pandemic measures; if and what disproportionate impacts are experienced by socially disadvantaged and marginalized populations; and the ‘protective factors’ — such as strong supports at home, virtual connection with friends and getting some physical activity outdoors — that mitigate potential harms.

    Team members from Brock include Assistant Professor of Health Sciences Valerie Michaelson, Professor of Health Sciences Terrance Wade and Associate Professor of Health Sciences William Pickett, as well as researchers from B.C., Quebec and other areas in Ontario.

    The group will take a “mixed methods” approach to the research, says Patte. They plan to examine youth survey data collected before and in the early days of the lockdown through the COMPASS study — a national initiative started in 2012 for which Patte is the Mental Health lead. Data will also be collected and examined over the current and upcoming school years.

    “We’ll also conduct virtual interviews to capture the nuances of youth pandemic experiences,” she says. “Youth will be engaged as partners, as research informs practices that impact them, to ensure the diverse and complex experiences of young people are appropriately reflected.”

    With CIHR and Health Canada funding, each year the COMPASS study collects health information from about 65,000 grade 9 to 12 students attending more than 125 secondary schools in Alberta, B.C., Ontario and Quebec. In May and June of this year, the team shifted to collect information virtually from more than 9,600 youth primarily in Quebec and Ontario, many of whom were at home because of school closures.

    “We’re in a unique position to have this pre- and early pandemic data on so many youth and to be able to follow them over time; we’re the only ones that I know of that have such long-running data on a national adolescent sample of this size,” says Patte.

    She says the team’s research findings will help shape school policies and practices on how to best protect youth during a pandemic. “We experienced the widest reaching and longest school closures to date, followed by various models of school reopening and returns, but lack policy-relevant data to guide protocols,” says Patte.

    “This funding by CIHR and SickKids in Dr. Patte and her team’s research shows how important it is to fully understand the impact this pandemic has had on our youth,” says Vice-President, Research Tim Kenyon.

    “We’re investing in the future by ensuring that today’s adolescents are healthy, happy and strong. We need to take the appropriate measures to address the pandemic’s negative impacts on our youth; this research will help direct our efforts,” he says.

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:

    * Maryanne St. Denis, Writer/Web Editor, Brock University Marketing & Communications or 905-246-0256

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    Categories: Media releases