Global international development leaders to headline Brock talk

MEDIA RELEASE: February 6 2024 – R0015

Top leaders from the World Bank and United Nations will headline a panel at Brock University Friday focused on the global journey towards achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

Hosted by Brock’s Goodman School of Business, the event will feature Ferid Belhaj, Vice President for the Middle East and North Africa at the World Bank, and Wafa Aboul Hosn, Chief of Economic Statistics at the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Africa, who will be joined by Goodman Dean Barry Wright and Accounting and Governance Professor Samir Trabelsi.

The public panel, “Ground-level Delivery: Promoting the UN Sustainable Development Goals for a Livable Planet,” is part of International Development Week 2024 and will examine the critical and evolving contributions of multi-lateral institutions, such as the United Nations, World Bank and International Monetary Fund.

Brock President and Vice-Chancellor Lesley Rigg says the University is honoured to host this important discussion and welcome both Belhaj and Aboul Hosn to campus virtually.

“The event is a platform for consequential dialogue and actions towards the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals,” Rigg says. “This conversation will empower students, faculty and staff to embed the SDG principles in their academic and professional journeys, bridging theoretical knowledge with tangible community impact while affirming Brock’s domestic and global leadership in sustainability.”

The panel will also explore how people can drive the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals at local and regional levels, highlighting practical and actionable steps communities can take.

Trabelsi, whose work on sustainability and greenwashing is recognized globally, says Belhaj and Aboul Hosn will offer invaluable insights into advancing the global agenda and the concerted efforts required to tackle these monumental tasks.

“Both Goodman and Brock are deeply committed to fostering awareness and dialogue in this space,” Trabelsi said. “This initiative is a testament to our dedication to creating a more sustainable and equitable world through education, engagement and strategic partnerships.”

The event, which will cap off International Development Week, takes place Friday, Feb. 9 from 2 to 3:30 p.m. in the Goodman Atrium. All are welcome to attend. Register on the Goodman website to save a seat.

For more information or for assistance arranging interviews: 

* Doug Hunt, Communications and Media Relations Specialist, Brock University or 905-941-6209

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Categories: Media releases