Badgers reminded to be smart if they head home for Thanksgiving, Reading Week

MEDIA RELEASE: 7 October 2020 – R0151

Thanksgiving is a time when many students head back to their hometowns to enjoy time with family and friends, but the Government of Ontario and Brock University are reminding students to be smart.

With the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic ramping up, the provincial government Tuesday said Ontario residents should only celebrate the holiday with members of their own household.

“Even though there are fewer students at and around the Brock campus, we do understand that many of them will be heading home for Thanksgiving and Reading Week,” said Anna Lathrop, Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President, Students. “It is imperative that all of us follow public health guidelines and work collectively to ensure the safety of our family, friends and members of our Brock community. The responsibility rests with each of us to ensure our Thanksgiving is a safe one.”

Avoid leaving Niagara if possible, and if you do travel, limit your contact with others upon your return. Residence students are welcome to stay in residence for the fall break.

Students are encouraged to:

  • Minimize your contact with other people — only interact with people you live with, and your family
  • Wear face masks anytime you’re not eating
  • Frequently wash your hands and use hand sanitizer
  • Say no to social invites from anyone outside your own household
  • Create a plan with roommates if you or they are heading home for the holiday
  • Download the Brock Safety App and the Government of Canada’s COVID Alert app
  • Watch for public health updates
  • Avoid leaving Niagara, if possible, and limit your contact with others upon your return if you do travel. Residence students are welcome to stay in residence for the fall break.

These guidelines are especially crucial for students living in shared houses, where people may be heading home to different locations, exponentially expanding social bubbles.

This can also be a difficult time for people feeling isolated or who may not be able to have the social interactions they’re used to. Brock students are encouraged to visit the Student Wellness and Accessibility Services webpage for more information about supports available around the clock.

For more information or for assistance arranging interviews: 

* Dan Dakin, Manager Communications and Media Relations, Brock University or 905-347-1970 

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Categories: Media releases