Unique simulation exposes Nursing students to homeless reality

MEDIA RELEASE: 1 Nov. 2019 – R00173

A groundbreaking initiative unique to most nursing courses, Brock University’s Community Nursing program is taking an unusual step to help students engage with the homeless population in a controlled and simulated manner.

In a collaboration with Niagara Region Public Health, on Monday, Nov. 4 at the Glenridge Quarry in St. Catharines, faculty and students will conduct the learning initiative for the fourth-year class that involves a tent city and simulated homeless patients played by student actors.

Associate Professor Karyn Taplay in the Department of Nursing, as well as the students who planned the activity, will begin setting up the simulated tent city at 3 p.m. on Nov. 4, with the simulation officially taking place at 5 p.m.


For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:

Kevin Cavanagh, Brock University Communications, kcavanagh@brocku.ca or 905-688-5550 ext. 5888 or 905 321-4310

Michelle Pressé, Brock University Communications, mpresse@brocku.ca or 905-688-5550 ext. 4420 or 905-246-1963

Categories: Media releases