Ottawa names Brock’s President to 2021 Canada Games board

MEDIA RELEASE: 18 April 2018 – R00080

Brock University President Gervan Fearon is being added to the Board of Directors for the 2021 Canada Summer Games Host Society, the body that is responsible for planning and delivering the Games in Niagara just over three years from now.

Fearon is the federal government’s appointee to the 17-person board, whose membership represents a cross-section of the Niagara community. His appointment was conferred by Canada’s Minister of Sport and Persons with Disabilities, Kirsty Duncan, who wrote, “I am confident that Dr. Fearon will be a welcome addition to the current membership of the board.”

Board Chair Doug Hamilton welcomed the announcement.

“The 2021 Canada Games Society is extremely excited about the opportunity to work with Dr. Fearon,” said Hamilton. “Gervan’s wealth of experience and passion for sport and community development will help make the 2021 Canada Games an incredible success.”

Fearon said his appointment will let Brock be an energetic partner that helps ensure the success of an event that has huge importance to the future growth of the Niagara community.

“It is an honour to be a member of the Board working towards the Niagara region hosting the 2021 Canada Games,” said Fearon.  “As President of Brock University and a member of the Niagara community, I am thrilled to be working alongside outstanding colleagues on this critical initiative.”

He said the Games represent “an important mechanism for regional community and economic development.”

“The Canada Games is an opportunity for us all to build community, celebrate the outstanding achievements of our athletes and come together as Canadians in recognition of excellence. We will be working with individuals and organizations from across the region and, indeed, the entire country to make the 2021 Canada Games a success for the participants and for everyone in Niagara,” said Fearon.

The Canada Games will bring approximately 5,000 young athletes from across Canada to Niagara in the summer of 2021. It is expected that about 5,000 volunteers will be needed to host the major event, and that the Games will bring an economic impact of about $200 million to the Niagara area.

The announcement comes after Wayne Parrish commenced his new role, on March 1, as Chief Executive Officer of the 2021 Games. Parrish is the former president of Canada Basketball, which he still co-chairs, and has also served as Chief Operating Officer for Postmedia Network.

The Host Society’s board members are Doug Hamilton (Chair), Tom Arkell, Mary De Sousa, Mario D’Uva, Carolyn Hurst, Evan Johnston, Karen Natho, Michele O’Keefe, Liz Palmieri, Tom Rankin, Elaine Roper, Adrienne Smoke, Wade Stayzer (treasurer), Mary Turner, David Veres, Debbie Zimmerman and now Gervan Fearon. 

For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:

• Kevin Cavanagh, Brock University, 905-688-5550 x5888

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