Brock political scientists to host panel discussion on Trump presidency

MEDIA ADVISORY: R00007 – 13 January 2017

With President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration fast approaching, Brock University political scientists will be coming together to discuss what a Trump presidency will look like and how it might impact Canadians.
The Department of Political Science is hosting a public panel discussion at St. Catharines Public Library Tuesday, Jan. 17 at 7 p.m. to discuss the chaos that has followed the election in November and explore what to look out for as Trump transitions into office.

The Rise of Trumpism: What’s Next for the United States, Canada and the World? will examine the past, present and future political landscape and cover themes on nationalism, fascism and misogyny.

“I was not surprised by the election results, and from a long career of studying politics, I think there are good reasons why democracies in their declining stages turn to this kind of ruler,” says Brock University political scientist and professor Leah Bradshaw. “Trump is a demagogue, that is to say, a creature of democracy who appeals to the worst elements of democratic popular will. Trump is not an isolated phenomenon. Western liberal democracy is in trouble.”

“I plan to discuss what Trump’s election means for the Canada-US relationship,” says Associate Professor Blayne Haggart. “In the worst-case scenario, Trump’s presidency could present Canada with an existential crisis by upending the international rules and norms upon which Canada has based all of its economic and international policies for seven decades.”

The event is open to the public but tickets are required and are available through The discussion will be live-streamed on and the moderator will be taking some questions from Twitter with the hashtag #USElectionBrock

What:    “The Rise of Trumpism: What’s Next for the United States, Canada  and the World?”
When:   Tuesday, Jan. 17 at 7 p.m.
Where:  St. Catharines Public Library, Mills Room, 54 Church St.
Who:        Panel includes professors from the Department of Political Science:
•    Leah Bradshaw, Professor, Specializes in Political Theory and Citizenship
•    Blayne Haggart, Associate Professor, Specializes in North American Political Economy
•    Stefan Dolgert, Associate Professor, Specializes in Contemporary Political Theory
•    Discussion will be moderated by Marty Mako

For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:

* Dan Dakin, Media Relations Officer, Brock University, 905-688-5550 x5353 or 905-347-1970

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Categories: Media releases