Brock signing ceremony for Middle East scholarship Tuesday

MEDIA ADVISORY: R00138 – 27 June 2016

Brock University will sign an agreement with the Daughters for Life Foundation to provide a full undergraduate scholarship to a young woman from the Middle East region Tuesday, June 28.

The ceremony will take place at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Committee Room on the 13th floor of the Schmon Tower at Brock.

Daughters for Life was created by Palestinian physician Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish, a peace activist and Nobel nominee who started the foundation after his own three daughters were killed by Israeli tank shells in the Gaza strip in 2009.

Earlier this month Dr. Abuelaish was at Brock to receive an honourary doctorate degree, and the creation of this new scholarship resulted from his discussions at that time with Brock President Jack Lightstone.

Media are invited to attend Tuesday’s event where Dr. Abuelaish and President Lightstone will sign the agreement.

Daughters of Life scholarships are offered to young women of any Middle Eastern nationality or religious affiliation, whether Arab or Israeli, and Muslim, Jewish or Christian. Recipients are chosen not only for their academic achievements, often in the face of socio-economic adversity and hardship, but also for their character and commitment to improving the lives of girls and young women in the Middle East.

Brock University Communications will be issuing a media release and a photo immediately following the ceremony.

For more information or to confirm attendance:

* Dan Dakin, Media Relations Officer, Brock University, 905-688-5550 x5353 or 905-347-1970

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Categories: Media releases