Leadership Development

Leadership is a process, not a position. Everyone is capable of leading. Through Student Life, there are so many ways for students to engage in leadership development.

For leadership workshops and social opportunities, please visit the Leadership Programs ExperienceBU page. To learn more about Leadership programming, visit the Student Life website or email us at leadership@brocku.ca

Brock Leads

Brock Leads features bitesize, digestible and interactive workshops and content for students to explore and hone leadership skills at Brock and beyond.  Keep an eye on the Leadership ExperienceBU page for Brock Leads workshop dates.

Foundations in Leadership

Foundations in Leadership is a professional development series that aims to provide you with the basic building blocks you’ll need to build a successful career and life. Receive certification and build your self-awareness and skills in a variety of areas, such as listening and self-expression, conflict management and problem solving, group work, and strengths-based leadership. Gain a competitive edge by completing training that employers will be looking for when you graduate.  

For more information on the Program Levels and scheduled classes, visit the Foundations in Leadership page on the Leadership Programs website. 

Student Leadership Summit

The Niagara Region Student Leadership Summit is an annual leadership conference hosted at Brock, and inspires attendees to discover and embrace their personal authentic leadership style in Niagara and beyond.  The Student Leadership Summit is held in January each year, and applications to attend open in December.

Collegiate Leadership Competition

The Collegiate Leadership Competition (CLC) is a high-impact, experiential leadership development initiative that provides students with an opportunity to develop real-world leadership skills and work collaboratively with other students.  Applications open in December, with the competition happening towards the end of the Winter term.
