Articles tagged with: slips trips and falls
Winter weather has arrived and the Brock community is reminded to be cautious on campus and while travelling in slippery ... Full story
Prevention key to avoiding slips, falls
Brock’s Health, Safety and Wellness is sharing easy ways to reduce the risk of weather-related slips, trips and falls. “... Full story -
Shoes with grip and other tips to prevent injury this winter
No matter how fashionable they may be, slides and sneakers are not the most appropriate footwear to be wearing this ... Full story -
Helpful tips to stay on your feet this winter
It’s a scene all too familiar: as you battle your way through the snowstorm from your car to the ... Full story -
Brock reducing slips one step at a time
Winter weather is notorious for contributing to slips, trips and falls. The rain, ice, snow, slush and mud make for ... Full story -
Think twice about texting and walking
It’s a common sight on campus: people walking with their heads down while looking at their phones. They might ... Full story -
Tips shared to avoid slips, trips and falls this winter
With winter just around the corner, snow, sleet, freezing rain and ice will soon begin affecting walkways and parking lots ... Full story