Building Better Research (BBR) returns this winter to help Brock scholars navigate a complex and evolving research environment.
The professional development series, created by the Office of Research Services and the Brock University Library, provides information and tips for all stages of the research process, from idea generation to results dissemination.
Brock staff and researchers in all phases of their careers are encouraged to attend the online workshops.
“These workshops are designed to address the needs of Brock’s research community,” says Research Impact Manager Jayne Morrish. “We listen to what researchers are asking for and aim to deliver practical, actionable insights to support their work at every stage.”
Presenters in the upcoming workshops will share their expertise in knowledge mobilization, research data management, evidence synthesis and challenges in the peer review process.
“Oftentimes people imagine book stacks or study space when they envision the library, but we also have people with specialized expertise in evidence synthesis research methodologies, research impact and data management practices,” says Denise Smith, Head of Research Lifecycle at the Brock Library. “We hope researchers will leverage the library as they engage in the research process.”
Those interested in participating can register on ExperienceBU through the links below.
- Monday, Jan. 27 from noon to 1 p.m.: Designing to Disseminate: Canva for Knowledge Mobilization
- Thursday, Feb. 13 from 10 to 11 a.m.: Fundamentals for Research Data Management
- Tuesday, March 4 from noon to 1 p.m.: The Peer Review Crisis and Alt-metrics
Questions about BBR can be directed to Morrish at [email protected]