Volunteers sought for Fall Convocation

It’s a milestone moment in the lives of university students — and Brock employees have the chance to make an impact on the day.

The Office of the Registrar and Enrolment Services is looking for staff and faculty volunteers for Fall Convocation on Friday, Oct. 18.

Brock’s 116th Convocation will welcome graduating students to celebrate their achievements with family and friends.

A variety of opportunities are available for those who wish to lend a hand during the celebrations, such as welcoming guests as they enter Walker Complex, helping out in the student gowning room, giving out diplomas and more.

Applicants can select the dates and times they are available to volunteer and must receive permission from their manger or supervisor if their chosen time overlaps with their regular work hours.

For a full list of opportunities and to fill out the volunteer form, please visit Brock’s Convocation website. The deadline to apply is Thursday, Oct. 3.

Questions about volunteering at Convocation can be sent to convocation@brocku.ca

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