IN THE NEWS: High-profile strikes in Canada, Port Robinson history and cybersecurity trends

In recent media appearances, Brock experts discuss Canada’s growing labour movement, the history of the Port Robinson bridge collapse, cybersecurity trends, how the Brock LINC supports entrepreneurial ventures and the potential of extracting copper from algae. Brock’s upcoming Move-in Weekend was also highlighted in the media.

Unions still bargaining with intensity — and securing wins – even as inflation tapers: Professor of Labour Studies Larry Savage spoke to The Globe and Mail and Associate Professor of Labour Studies Simon Black spoke to CBC Radio One about recent high-profile strikes across the country.

‘It looked like an atomic bomb had been dropped’: The Port Robinson canal bridge collapse divided a community 50 years ago: Associate Professor of Engineering Amir Mofidi and Adjunct Professor Kimberly Monk spoke to the St. Catharines Standard about the anniversary of the Port Robinson bridge collapse.

Hack to Learn: Integrating Humanities into Cybersecurity with Aaron Mauro: Associate Professor of Digital Humanities Aaron Mauro spoke to the Secure Talk podcast about the intersection of cybersecurity and the humanities.

How Brock LINC is Shaping the Next Generation of Entrepreneurs: Brock LINC Program Manager Cassie Conte spoke to The Unsure Entrepreneur podcast about the LINC’s services for future entrepreneurs and some its recent success stories.

Scientists study new copper source: algae: Assistant Professor of Chemistry Vaughn Mangal’s research on the potential of extracting copper from algae found in Lake Erie was featured in The Northern Miner and

Students prepare to move in at Brock residence this weekend: Coverage of Brock’s upcoming Move-in Weekend was featured on Giant FM (CIXL) and in a Newstalk 610 CKTB article. Director of Housing Services Cindy Chernish also spoke to Newstalk 610 CKTB’s The Drive.

Read more stories in: Faculty & staff, Humanities, In the Media, Mathematics and Science, Social Sciences
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